Search Results:  About 51 Search for global-warming
How is Hail Formed?

How is Hail Formed?

Hailstorms are common in India during the pre-monsoon season but a rise in their frequency is worrisome.

A Glacier's Funeral

A Glacier's Funeral

In August 2019, a funeral was held for the last patch of ice atop the Ok volcano in western Iceland. The ice patch belonged to Okjökull.

Sinking Sunderban

Sinking Sunderban

Rising sea level is the biggest threat to the world's largest coastal mangrove forests located in India and Bangladesh

Test the Thunder!

Test the Thunder!

Researchers say that global warming is a cause of frequent and high-intensity thunderstorms

Heatwaves Set to Wreak Havoc

Heatwaves Set to Wreak Havoc

Rising temperature has made heatwaves more severe and common.


This year (2018), even before the summers had begun, the India Meteorological Department warned the districts of Raigad, Ratnagiri and Mumbai in Maharashtra about heatwave-like conditions. Temperatures in these districts are expected to touch 38°C. This is 6°C above the normal temperature for the summer months.

Farmers and daily wage labourers are the worst-hit...

How Do Heatwaves Form?

How Do Heatwaves Form?

Our weather is a result of many factors: the rotation of Earth on its axis, its revolution around the sun and the unequal distribution of sunlight. Areas around the equator where the sunrays fall directly are hotter than the areas around the poles, where the sunrays reach at an angle. The hot air in the areas around the equator swirl in a downward pattern, creating a high pressure. Heatwaves are the result of the trapped air in these areas. The sinking air also acts like a cap, trapping the warm ground air in place...

Oil Izz Not Well
Advantage David

Advantage David

The story of David and Goliath retold in a farmer’s legal battle for climate justice

Making of a Storm

Making of a Storm

The sun's heat is the most important factor in the weather patterns around the globe. Warmer ocean temperatures due to human-made activities give storms a bigger battery which not only increases the intensity but also the frequency of hurricanes and cyclones.

Given the hurricane of catastrophic climate events that took place around the world, August and September should be renamed as tropical cyclone months. For the first time in seven years, the Atlantic Basin faced more than three hurricanes consecutively in the year 2017...

Grinch that Stole the Monsoon
The Planet's Story

The Planet's Story

On the event of World Environment Day Piu and Pom talk to our planet, Earth!

Ireland Moves Closer to Clean Energy

Ireland Moves Closer to Clean Energy

The movement towards a cleaner environment got a huge push recently when the Irish Parliament passed a bill that would make Ireland world's first country to fully divest public money from fossil fuels.