A buzzing catalogue of some important bee-types—the rock bee, little bee, Indian hive bee, European bee, and dammer bee. *************************************** So far, we have only touched upon a few of the many things about the life of bees and what an important part they play in saving our planet. Honey is not just something sweet and tasty; but what makes it sweeter is the makers of honey—the bees. There are over 2,000 bee species across the world and not all of them make honey. In India, there are five major bee types that produce honey...
Harvesting wild honey has been the main occupation of the Cholanayakan and Kattunayakan tribes of Wayanad, in Kerala, for centuries. But the recent drought and delayed summer rain have affected the harvesting of wild honey. The number of beehives has come down drastically, by over 50 per cent from 2023. Honeybees make hives every year on the same big trees. The right amount of rain, according to the season, is crucial for honey production. But unseasonal rain is posing a huge threat to it, affecting the tribes that depend on honey collection for their survival...
Check out some amazing honeybee facts about these nature's tiny engineers and their sweet secrets. ************************************ How many eyes do honeybees have? Bees have FIVE EYES and SIX LEGS. How do honeybees share information with each other? By DANCING. They do a figure of 8 dance called the ‘waggle dance’. Through this dance, they tell the other bees where pollen, water, etc. is available. How many flowers do honeybees have to visit to get a kilo of honey? About 40 LAKH flowers. But one bee makes only about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in her lifetime. So, you need thousands of bees to make …
About the troubling tourism on the peaks and how ‘eco-tourism’ can provide us some relief...
A fascinating narrative by Grandpa Marigan to a curious child, discovering the sacred traditions of the Kattunayakan tribe and how it honours the bees, the bears, and trees for honey. This is the rallying call of the village elder when he invites his companions to join him in going to the forest to collect honey among other things. Marigan, the wise old Kattunayakan elder from Chembakolli village in the Gudalur Valley of the Nilgiris, has been collecting wild honey from the time he was a child.
A future fuelled by biofuels is far better than that fired on fossil fuels. Read why biofuels are a panacea for reducing air pollution caused through automobiles and farm fields, how they help manage farm waste, and enhance soil health. ********************************** Rahul: Hey Anu! You look disgusted. Not knowing what to do about these monumental, stinking garbage bins?Anu: Yeah, dude! Why don’t people deliberate upon solution-seeking rather than piling their sins right outside their homes!? Household waste has a lot of organic waste and am sure there are ways of dealing with it!...
A brief and innocent appeal to rescue the environment through a thought-provoking painting. Drastic changes in climate and temperature happening nowadays are symptoms of the huge damage caused to the environment. The greenhouse effect, soil erosion...
Simple stories by Shaurya Kabra, an astute high-schooler, who demystifies the scary world of money. ************************************ Shaurya Kabra’s Ek Prayaas takes on a bold journey—giving young individuals financial knowledge through the fairy tales of yore. The book by the 16-year-old presents a short story collection inspired by tales like Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella and Jack and the Beanstalk, but with an Indian context. Named after an initiative by Kabra, the book simplifies concepts like, budgeting, saving, interest, and how money works by creatively using six children&…
Have you ever heard of virtual autism? It’s a concern emerging among children who spend an excessive amount of time in front a screen. Its symptoms include hyperactivity, attention deficiency, lack of interest in non-digital games, delay in speech, reluctance in interaction, irritability, mood swings, and difficulty in learning anything new. Virtual autism is not a diagnosis like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but a term encompassing symptoms that resemble ASD. However, the sooner kids move away from screens and become active in the real world, positive changes are visible.
On this Earth Day, trace the impact of humans on their planet throughout history
A glimpse from the ‘Gobar Times: Walk The Talk,’ a Fancy Dress Fun Fiesta organized as part of the Green Schools Carnival 2024 held on 30 January 2024 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. All the fashionistas of the Gobar Times: Walk The Talk, showcasing their style quotient with chic aesthetics, inspired by the diverse covers of the Gobar Times (GT)! Through their understanding and vision of sustainability, these contestants imagined an out-of-the-box, ramp-worthy dress that triggered environmental consciousness among our audience...
An exhibition of innovative ideas, offering solutions in the sphere of climate change, hosted on 30 January 2024 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. ************ As part of the Green Schools Carnival 2024, the Green Schools Programme (GSP) of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) hosted The Solutions Showcase...