Sahaj Jaggi

A class 11 student at ITL Public School, Dwarka, New Delhi, previously interning with the Young Environmentalist website (October-November 2023), under the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
Pollution and Privilege: Environmental Injustice in Delhi

Pollution and Privilege: Environmental Injustice in Delhi

Delhi’s air pollution arrives with a paradox—as the smog reduces visibility, what becomes clear is the gap between the rich and the poor. 

Being a student living in Delhi, we have three breaks during our school session—the summer break, the winter break, and the holidays due to the rising pollution level that we Delhiites call our pollution break. As students, we see these holidays as something fun, as a timepass. Even after so many years of these breaks, we fail to realise the gravity of the situation. The main cause for this is our privilege and the rising political ignorance.

With air filters installed in our homes and private cars parked alongside, we talk about buying a petrol car for the next year as the ban on diesel cars is reimposed (How ironic!). We will never fully comprehend the impact of this air pollution because though we, the middle and upper class, cause this pollution, the less privileged residents bear the costs of our actions.