

Eat Healthy. Breathe Healthy. Stay...


Zillions of vehicles are emitting a cocktail of poisonous gases. Industries spewing forth more of it. Burning crops, waste dumps on fire, construction and demolition dust, Diwali firecrackers... Winter is here with a host of triggers for a variety of ailments. Add to it, the gastronomic indulgence that the festive season occasions, a time when adulterated food assumes a particularly menacing appearance. The question is, will the Jawan in all of us be able to deal with this double jeopardy?


CNG Nahi Rocket Hai Rocket!


Know Your Air


Let's Clear The Air

Gobar Gyan


France passed a new law that mandates car advertisements to dissuade people from using more cars. This regulation is implemented with the aim of curbing global warming. French car commercials have to display messages encouraging alternate means of transport. For example, ‘Consider carpooling,’ ‘For day-to-day use, take public transportation,’ and ‘For short trips, opt for walking or cycling.’

This ruling will impact over all media, including print, TV, radio, and Internet...