A Teacher’s Rant: Schools & India’s Air Pollution Crisis

  Prabhu S   March 1, 2025

Photo credit: CSE Photo Archives

Air pollution from vehicles, burning trash in open spaces, and smoking tobacco has increased cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in humans. 

According to a study released by the Indian Council of Medical Research in 2022, one in nine Indians develop cancer during their lifetime. The study also states that one in 68 men will develop lung cancer while one in 29 women will develop breast cancer by 2025. Tobacco and air pollution were equally attributable risk factors for lung cancer in the country. India ranks eighth most polluted country in World Air Quality ranking, according to the IQAir 2022 report. But what are the factors that have increased air pollution in India?

Rampant smoke everywhere: We can see and smell smoke everywhere. It can be factory smoke, smoke from government-owned waste management plants, burning garbage, tobacco smoking in public places, smoke from exhaust engines of two- and four-wheelers, and smoke from burning for religious purposes.

No proper ventilation: I remember those days when we would open windows and doors for ventilation. Now if we open doors and windows, toxic fumes fill the house and affect breathing. For several hours and days, we have to keep our windows and doors shut to escape from outdoor air pollution.

Feeling of entitlement to pollute the air: I begged many households who burn garbage near their house to not do that. The smoke from burning trash travels in the air and enters houses, temples, work places, schools, and colleges. People think that they will not be held responsible for polluting air. But I see children, diseased, and aged people every day struggling to breathe due to some irresponsible people burning trash outside.

Brazen smoking in public places: According to Section 4 of the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 2003, it is prohibited to smoke in public places. However, the law cannot implement by itself. The public should respect the law and its regulations.

We must pledge to “Say no to smoking in public places” to safeguard our children, our family, and for our mother Earth from polluted air. Is it too late? No! The government can still take various steps to reduce air pollution and protect the health of people.

Unchecked polluting vehicles: We must enforce emission-free schools. Have you experienced driving behind a school bus? Black smoke from the exhaust pipe fills the air and is harmful for lungs. Some private schools do not maintain their school vehicles properly and it causes the engine to malfunction and create toxic carbon monoxide which in turn pollutes the air. Schools must become emission-free by completely switching to electric vehicles for transportation.

Photo credit: CSE Photo Archives

Environmentally damaging industries: Say no to industries that cause environmental degradation. We should boycott any industry, business, profession, or employment that causes environmental degradation. Economic welfare at the cost of environmental welfare is unwise and foolish.

What does data say?

India’s average Air Quality Index (AQI) is 126 which is considered poor and unhealthy, as per Aqi.in. Understanding the seriousness of air pollution and listening to the unheard issues of people is essential towards environment protection.

India ranks second out of 252 countries in pollution as per Air Quality Life Index (AQLI). Burning anything in open causes particulate pollution (big word alert!). Particulate pollution is the mixture of microscopic solid particles with liquid droplets in the air. Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) and Particulate Matter 10 (PM 10) are major air pollutants which lead to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases such as lung cancer and heart attacks.

What will happen if we do not change?

If we do not stop polluting our environment, what will India’s future look like? The next generation will not find this land suitable to live. They may migrate to other countries. Will India soon become a land of no living beings!? Or will India no longer exist as a country!?... Just think about it!

Say No To Smoking!

The government should take serious measures to prevent all types of pollution. Below is a table representing AQI levels of a few other countries as per IQAir:

S. No.


Air Quality Index







New Zealand




New York City, United States




Tokyo, Japan




Moscow, Russia




Shanghai, China




Jakarta, Indonesia




New Delhi, India




Karachi, Pakistan




Dhaka, Bangladesh



About the Contributors

Accountancy Teacher, Chandrakanthi Public School, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

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