Solar Rooftops and Schools in India

Solar Rooftops and Schools in India

Sunlight, readily available for 250 to 300 days in most parts of India, can help schools operate better.

India has set a target of 227 GW of installed capacity from renewable energy by 2022. Of this, nearly 144 GW would be sourced from solar energy, while 67 GW would come from wind energy. Although wind, solar, biogas and water are all renewable energy sources for power, solar energy is considered to be the most affordable alternative to polluting fossil-fuel based power-plants. Easy installation and electricity generation also make solar energy the best bet among renewables...

Energy of The Future

Energy of The Future

Renewable energy can be a viable power source for our airports, stadiums & homes. Piu entered the house panting one summer afternoon and said, “I have no energy to do anything.” She had come back from school and was completely exhausted. Her mother came to her rescue and handed her a glass saying, “This should energise you.

Anatomy of a Solar Panel

Anatomy of a Solar Panel

How does light get converted into electricity and what are the components that constitute a solar panel module? Let's find out.

Solar Revolution: The India story

Solar Revolution: The India story

Just step into your house and look around. All our appliances from our refrigerator to air-conditioner to smartphones, everything would become useless in a world without electricity. This is why electricity is considered one the most valuable commodities in the world.

Solar Suresh: Home With Solar Panels, Biogas Pant, Rainwater Harvesting and Organic Vegetables

D Suresh lives in Kilpauk in Chennai in his green and sustainable home. An IIT and IIM graduate, 71 year old Suresh has managed to set up a rooftop solar plant, biogas plant, rainwater harvesting, rooftop kitchen garden and a bamboo forest in front of his house. Solar Suresh as people call him today is the face of sustainable living in the new Urban India. Watch to know more! 

Why Talk About LPG?
Ireland Moves Closer to Clean Energy

Ireland Moves Closer to Clean Energy

The movement towards a cleaner environment got a huge push recently when the Irish Parliament passed a bill that would make Ireland world's first country to fully divest public money from fossil fuels.

Chart that Power Trip
The Question of Energy For All

The Question of Energy For All

Why do we need to conserve energy?

Technology Capsule
Wind It Up

Wind It Up

Wind is a form of kinetic energy, i.e. energy in motion. For centuries, people have used windmills to convert moving energy into mechanical forms to perform tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water. Let's learn how to make a pinwheel. We will see how a basic turbine works and how wind can create mechanical force.

Bury it!
Nordic Designs
Power Cut

Power Cut

Oh, no . . . The climb to the third floor was killing me! The lift was not working. Our security uncle said there had been a power cut. My legs hurt. We had had our inter-house football matches at school today. I was tired and famished. After much huffing and puffing, I reached home. My dad opened the door. “Pa, the lift is not working. I had to climb up the stairs!” I said, as I dropped my heavy bag with a "thud" on the floor. “

ABCD of Energy

ABCD of Energy

“Pom! Stop now, hfff . . . hfff . . . I can’t run anymore,” shouted Piu.

“Hurray! I won the race,” said Pom.

“Hfff . . . hfff! I don’t have the energy to run any more . . . I'm going to rest under the tree,” said Piu.

It was getting dark. Soon there was a big moon over the sky.

“Piu we have to go home,” said Pom...

Energy Matters

Energy Matters

There are some schools that have taken up energysaving initiatives to become energy-efficient.

Electric bulbs, cars, fans, air conditioners, televisions, cooking ovens, chulhas, machines... the word ‘energy’ conjures up images of almost everything that makes up our everyday lives. Some forms of energy are renewable, including energy harnessed from the sun, wind and water. Energy produced from garbage, such as dead trees, branches, leftover crops and gobar, or dung, along with other forms of livestock manure—resources collectively called ‘biomass’—can also be used and then replenished.

There is also a second category, non-renewable energy. All forms of fossil fuel—oil, coal and natural gas—are examples. These fuels were made over 300 million years ago and we are slowly and surely depleting the reserves.

It is Raining Solar Power!

India's Energy Efficiency Struggle

Are appliances in India energy efficient? Does the government promote the best technologies? Do companies sell their most energy efficient products? This short whiteboard animation tries to answer these questions.

Why talk about Solar Energy?
Why Talk About Biomass?
Why Talk About Micro-hydropower?
Why Talk About Nuclear Power?