Materials required:
Coconut fibre, jute, thread, bamboo sticks, scissors and a metal wire
- With the help of a guardian, cut the bamboo sticks into 4 broad straps.
- Bend three bamboo straps to meet their ends and tie the ends with a thread. Place all three straps inside each other making it into a round ball and tie them together with a thread at the top (see box 1 and 2).
- Take the fourth strap and tie is across the diameter of the round ball we made in step 1. Use threads to secure the ends because we do not want any of the straps to fall loose (see box 2).
- Take the metal wire and turn it into a circle. Tie the circle in your desired position in between the bamboo straps. This will be the entrance to the nest (see box 3).
- The next step is to cover the round shaped ball with a piece of jute cloth and tie it together at the top with thread. Using a scissor, cut the opening of the nest around the metal wire (see box 4, 5, 6).
- The next step is to cover up the nest with coconut fibre and secure it with threads to give it a natural look and sturdy feel (see box 7, 8).
- You eco-friendly nest is now ready! Place it on the nearest tree at a stable place. You can even leave some grains and seeds for your new bird neighbours.