Lima, the capital of Peru, is the world’s second largest desert city, after Cairo. The region is water–stressed. The annual rainfall is less than 4 cm. But it is not your typical desert city. Humidity can reach up to 98 per cent. Nestled in the foothills of the Andean mountains, its proximity to the Pacific Ocean ensures that the city is covered with fog for three-quarters of a year.
Abel Cruz, founder of the Peruvians Without Water movement, came up with a novel idea to trap the water in the fog, condense it and use it for various purposes like farming, cleaning, washing clothes and dishes, and even cooking.
\With this innovation, they have been able to provide water to the city’s poorest, who are the most affected by water scarcity. The organization aims to increase the use of this technique in the city and other parts of Peru.
Experts warn that Peru will be one of the countries most affected by climate change. More than 70 per cent of the world’s tropical glaciers are in Peru, but they are melting fast and might not last long. So fog catching might be a great saviour climate mitigation technique.
Can a similar technique be employed in India? Certainly in the lower-reaches of the Himalayas and the parts of the Gangetic plains where fog is thick and persistent.
How to build a Fog Catcher
Materials to be used: