- Read carefully the Cover Story you have selected. Note the description of themes, colours of illustrations, topics of photographs, statistics of infographs, and any other information available.
- Creatively translate all these observations into a costume that you can wear. Costumes not based on the above editions will be disqualified.
- Ideate upon your accessories, such as: headgear, eyewear, footwear, hand props, and jewellery. All these elements must be of waste, recycled, eco-friendly, or repurposed materials only.
- Use things like: discarded plastic waste bags, bottles, plates, spoons, teabags, wrappers, cardboards, threads, cloth pieces, batteries, ink cartridges, cloth tags, cellphones, bubble wraps; old newspapers, damaged wires, umbrellas, hangers; etc.
- Draw a detailed sketch of your entire costume on a printout of the template given below. Your participation will be accepted or rejected based on this template so label the various parts of your design meticulously and write all the information asked clearly.
- If you are accepted, the GSP Coordinator of your school will be informed via email. No email will be conveyed for rejection. Selected participants will be invited to showcase their talents at our venue since this is an onsite physical event.
- After your selection, plan your stage performance—the words you will say or actions you will do—to illustrate your Cover Story. You will be given 1min max. for your act. You can demonstrate the subject of your edition, the features of your costume, your inspiration, etc. to establish a clear link with your chosen Cover Story.
- The GSP Coordinator must nominate any one student from your school for participating in Walk The Talk.
- The GSP Coordinator should register your school for The Green Schools Carnival 2024 through the invite emailed already.
- The GSP Coordinator should email the template for participation, in an image format to: anubhuti.sharma@cseindia.org latest by 2PM, Thursday, 25 January 2024. Use the subject line ‘GSP Walk the Talk_[School Name]’ for your submission.
- If the template is selected, then the GSP Coordinator, along with the participating student, will have to report at the venue as per the details already conveyed to them.