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GSP Carnival 2025: Gobar Times Spoof to Stage—Eco-friendly Theatrics

GSP Carnival 2025: Gobar Times Spoof to Stage—Eco-friendly Theatrics

From Junk Food to Honey Heists and Beyond: Students Spark Vital Conversations on Environmental Issues Through Hilarious and Thought-Provoking Spoof Skits.

The Angry Bird

The Angry Bird

If there was ever a parliament of birds, then this avian would have delivered the most vociferous speeches. No doubt quirky artists caricatured it in their popular Angry Birds game. I’m sure you all must have enjoyed playing this viral pastime and gotten amused by the perpetual furious look on the birds' faces. Recognised as the most argumentative bird, the Jungle Babbler couldn’t be named more aptly... 

Standing Tall and Green

Standing Tall and Green

An inspiring story of a school teacher, transforming a barren hilltop into an evergreen haven with sheer grit, indefatigable passion, and true love for nature. ******************************* My name is Jeevan Singh. I was duly appointed in government service by my state’s education department in 2010. But I got properly initiated as a teacher only when I was posted at the Government Primary School, Sidhot, based in Salooni Educational Block of Chamba district in Himachal...    

 Since Gobar is the Culture of  India!

Since Gobar is the Culture of India!

Sharing fond memories from 25 years back—of ice creams, rookies, cow dung, and some cool environment stuff for kids. ************************************ In the summer of 1992, late at night in the basement of the then rented office space of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), the editorial team of the Down To Earth (DTE) magazine had a very long hot and tiring day putting together their very first issue. Anil Agarwal, the founder editor,...

No la-di-da for Beginners

No la-di-da for Beginners

In spite of all the brickbats and rebukes, a tabloid matures into a magazine as it finds its 'beginners' audience and speaks through quirky cartoons.  ********************************************************************************* Gobar Times (GT) already had a successful 10-year run before I got on-board. It was always resplendent in a spectacular tabloid avatar, grabbing eyeballs everywhere. But as if this was not intimidating enough, here we were staging the arrival of a new GT. It’s looks? A standard news magazine format. Were we taking a risk?...

About Yester Years and Ahead

About Yester Years and Ahead

Narrating the tale and trajectory of Gobar Times—of how it evolved into a new avatar and gained new characters. ************************************* My association with the Gobar Times will be incomplete without Piu & Pom. We were once working on a comic strip for the magazine. Piu is the name of my daughter so it was easy to decide the name of one of the characters. But for Pom, there’s an interesting story. 

Bolstering Their Voice

Bolstering Their Voice

A thoughtful reflection on the value of Gobar Times with an understanding of what it is about, why so, how...and a little bit more.

Oh My Dog

Oh My Dog

Many of us love pets, especially dogs. But do you know that over the last five years, they have killed more than 300 people, mostly poor and rural children? Over 20,000 rabies deaths have been caused by homeless dogs and more than 30 endangered species have been hunted by them in the wild. The human-animal conflict between people and stray dogs in India has reached an alarming level. So, the next time you venture outdoors, please take care of yourself!

A Blast from the Past

A Blast from the Past

Dusting off our archives to showcase some of the best stuff we’d published so far.

Gobar Times is 25!

Gobar Times is 25!

With 'Say No to Plastics' – a MasterClass with Sid and ‘Through My Lens’ photography contest – Meet the Winners

GSP Carnival 2023: A Reunion and a Reminder

GSP Carnival 2023: A Reunion and a Reminder

Recapitulating the prestigious Green Schools Awards and felicitating the commendable and inspiring work of all the awardees in different categories. ********************************* Ater a three-year hiatus, the Green Schools Programme (GSP) of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) was back with a bang in February this year – as its annual audit drew to a close, a one-and-a-half day national Green Schools Carnival was announced. The cornerstone of the event was – of course – the GSP Green Schools Awards, but... 

GSP Carnival 2023: Gobar Times Design Studio

GSP Carnival 2023: Gobar Times Design Studio

A glimpse from the Gobar Times Design Studio, a designing contest organized as part of the Green Schools Carnival 2023, to allow our talented readers to express their vision and version of the Gobar Times by curating two-pages of the magazine—showing what they would like to read and how.