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A Manifesto from the Microbial World

A Manifesto from the Microbial World

At the outset, I want to thank the United Nations of Humans for giving us this opportunity to address all of humankind. I speak on behalf of the quintillion microbes of our planet. I know that we are speaking to you in a time of great distress. Each of you present here has faced personal tragedies. We convey our deepest condolences...

Lockdown Lores

Lockdown Lores

Last year, when the lockdown was announced nationwide, I felt very excited at the thought of not going to school anymore and getting a break from studies. I had thought that this would go on for a couple of days and once the situation becomes better, everything would be back to normal. But then, the days turned into months, and I never expected it to go on for a whole year!

Miss You, School!
My New Normal

My New Normal

‘All’s well that ends well.’My lockdown experience is the exact opposite of this commonly used quote from the famous play by William Shakespeare. My first reaction:When I got to know about the lockdown in the entire country, I got excited thinking that I will get more time to spend with my family, more time for TV, and no more school! Most of my friends felt the same way.

When A is for Anxiety and B is for Boredom...

When A is for Anxiety and B is for Boredom...

What is the effect of corona and the lockdown on the mental state of children? This pandemic has been a rollercoaster ride for all those who have lived it. For children, this has been something that neither they nor their parents had ever known. All spheres of their lives are affected. The major pillar of scaffolds in a child’s life include— his/her parents (or caregivers), immediate environment, school, the self, and social sphere. Major instability in each of these has taken a huge toll on our children's mental health. There are rising concerns of temper tantrums, anxiety, existential queries, confusion and …

A Letter From the Jungle

A Letter From the Jungle

The forest, capable of meeting our basic needs of food, shelter and fuel, can act as a model of sustainable living for all of us.