The triple planetary crisis refers to three interconnected environmental crises that pose a threat to humanity—climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. We need to address this crisis by adapting to nature-based solutions that can leverage the inherent resilience of our ecosystem. One such solution is the conservation of mangroves. Mangroves are the kind of trees that are found in intertidal zones, between high tide and low tide, in tropical and subtropical regions...
Become a smart consumer by learning how to pick out the truly ‘Organic’ stuff from amongst a host of food packets carrying various complicated labels. ***************************** Hello, friends! The other day, I went grocery shopping with my niece, Prisha, for buying some chemical-free and safe food. She’s just like you, always eager to learn new things. As we walked through the store, Prisha explored all kinds of fruits, spices, chocolates, and whatnot! But something really confused her—lots of description on the products she’d picked up...
Dusting off our archives to showcase some of the best stuff we’d published so far.
A refreshingly sweet and innocent observation by a child of an otherwise very worrying issue of—river pollution—with a heartwarming appeal for water conservation. Once upon a time, during the holidays, I was travelling from Delhi to my village nearby. On the way, we guys came across the Yamuna River. Looking at the river, my younger brother instantly commented, “It doesn’t snow in Delhi even during winters. But here, on the river, it seems to have snowed in peak summers!”... Then, I explained to him that the white foam on the river surface is not snow but the chemical effluents emitted by huge …
Summarizing the Union Budget in a cool, simplified, less dreadful, more interesting, nowhere mind-boggling, and in quite a thought-provoking manner. *********************************** 11am, 1st February: a moment for which people across the country wait anxiously every year. Why?...
Environment is not only about trees and tigers; it incorporates a variety of other concerns and subjects such as air, water, food, proper management of waste, etc. In addition to all these, energy is another area which is of vital importance for us...
We all know pistachios to be tasty little green nuts but how many can say they have known them to be a fun craft?
The joy of listening to a good song multiplies when we listen to it on a good device. There are many products for the same in the market, but what better than building your own speaker using natural resources! The natural resonance of the bamboo amplifies sound and is, therefore, used in building instruments like the flute. Since it does not require electricity to amplify sound, a bamboo speaker is an eco-friendly product that you will have fun building and proud to show it off! But before you start, make sure you have an adult assisting and guiding you.
In the guise of development, what allows us to be callous with earth's resources? A study conducted by Indian Institute of Soil Science shows that majority of the soil in India is deficient in secondary nutrients, such as sulphur, and micronutrients, such as zinc, boron, iron, copper and manganese. The question then is how nutritious can our food be if it is grown on malnourished land? Many other villages are suffering, like Jaduguda and Kolaghat, because the polluter does not take the responsibility of the waste, burdening locals with unseen consequences...
“Pom! Stop now, hfff . . . hfff . . . I can’t run anymore,” shouted Piu. “Hurray! I won the race,” said Pom. “Hfff . . . hfff! I don’t have the energy to run any more . . . I'm going to rest under the tree,” said Piu. It was getting dark. Soon there was a big moon over the sky. “Piu we have to go home,” said Pom...