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GSP Carnival 2024: The Bout

GSP Carnival 2024: The Bout

All about cracking the climate code with the Annual Climate Change Quiz in the Carnival’24. ******************* Young climate warriors from different parts of the country battled it out for the coveted title of the ultimate Climate Champions in The Bout — Green School’s Programme (GSP) annual climate quiz for schools. Organised as a signature event of the Green Schools Programme Carnival & Awards Ceremony at the India Habitat Centre on 30 January 2024, the second edition of The Bout was double the fun and double the adrenaline! Over 35 school teams, consisting students from Grades 6 to 10, participated …

Kya aapke phasal pe MSP hai?

Kya aapke phasal pe MSP hai?

Farmers in India face huge challenges in selling their crops profitably. So, they are demanding that the government should guarantee a Minimum Support Price (MSP) on all 23 crops that it provides for. MSP is the rate at which the government buys crops from farmers no matter what the crop’s prices prevail in the market. This assures an income to the farmers and offers them security. That is why they want that a legal guarantee should be provided for MSP.

GSP Carnival 2024: And the Award goes to…

GSP Carnival 2024: And the Award goes to…

Recapitulating the prestigious Green Schools Awards and felicitating the inspiring contribution of all the awardees. *************************************************************************************** The much awaited and eagerly anticipated Green Schools Carnival of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi was back on 30th January 2024. Against the backdrop of climate change and environmental degradation, the Carnival underscored the vital role of children and educators in championing sustainability-based initiatives...

The Wildlife of Black-and-White

The Wildlife of Black-and-White

From the tales of Black Panther to White Tiger and many charming variants, explore how melanin colour codes the wild. The Dark Brown Pigment—Melanin Let me start this article with someone whom all of you know: A certain ‘Bagheera’. Yes, the ‘black panther’ from Rudyard Kipling’s masterpiece, The Jungle Book. In the book, it is Bagheera who teaches the feral boy (or ‘man cub’) Mowgli about the ‘ways of the jungle’. You may or may not have seen real-life Bagheeras in your city zoo. The first thing that may have struck you on seeing such an animal is the sheer spectacle: …

Kutki Payassam

Kutki Payassam

A lip-smacking dessert of little millets for followers of a healthy, wealthy, and wise living.

Walk The Talk!
Past Paradox and Future Judgement

Past Paradox and Future Judgement

Pensive thoughts by a Gen Z on the human civilization, and its past, present, future. As the human civilization has advanced, it has undergone a trial of conscience at every successive step. Simply put, it has been in a court of paradoxes where there were problems, debates, and choices to be made. The Homo Sapiens—modern humans—appeared around 20,00,000 years ago. Gradually, these creatures chose to migrate and sail across the seas to make their own way. In the Neolithic Age, they opted to settle down at different places and brought new civilizations into existence. They invented a language, began keeping records, …

Farming Sustainably in Kharajgaon

Farming Sustainably in Kharajgaon

An observation report made by high-schoolers in rural Maharashtra, studying the impact of climate change and the water resources installed by them a year earlier. At the cusp of the monsoon in Kharajgaon, land had laid barren for months. The countryside was tense and farmers awaited rains. Too early and the crops would die, too late and they can’t be sold. Most farmers took multiple jobs during off-season to support their families. Navin, a farmer we worked with, forced his daughters to leave school to sustain their living costs. Promised prosperous yield, they adopted inorganic fertilisers and pesticides. “We know …

Little Green Warriors

Little Green Warriors

Child waste pickers in India need our help and compassion. Imagine waking up really early, when the sun is just starting to peek through. Imagine putting on a pair of your most ragged, worn-out clothes, picking up your work-gear – a large, equally tattered bag, maybe. And then, trudging out to begin another day, not for school, but for doing what you do every day of the week: pick up waste. Thousands of children in our country do this every day. You can see them scurrying along streets and footpaths with their oversized bags slung on their thin shoulders, rummaging through garbage dumps. They are the unsung ‘green …



As air pollution becomes an alarming issue that can no longer be snoozed, let us take a deep breath and study about its major pollutants and sources across the country. Five years back itself, in 2019, air pollution was alone responsible for about 16.5 lakh deaths in India. This was disclosed by the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), published by some very credible organizations—the Lancet Planet Health and the Indian Council of Medical Research. Their stat is believable as 24 out of 50 most polluted cities in the world are already in India, which we know from nothing but the World Health Organization’s data released …

पर्यावरण की पाठशाला में पत्रकार

पर्यावरण की पाठशाला में पत्रकार

धरती का हर मुद्दा जलवायु परिवर्तन से जुड़ा ********************************** बॉन कान्फ्रेंस 2017 की बात है। एलायंस आॅफ स्मॉल आईलैंड स्टेट्स (एओसिस) से जुड़े एक देश के बड़े नेता फूट-फूटकर रो रहे थे। एओसिस मतलब छोटे समुद्र द्वीपीय देशों का समूह। आसानी से समझने के लिए मा…



Eat Healthy. Breathe Healthy. Stay... ***************************** Zillions of vehicles are emitting a cocktail of poisonous gases. Industries spewing forth more of it. Burning crops, waste dumps on fire, construction and demolition dust, Diwali firecrackers... Winter is here with a host of triggers for a variety of ailments. Add to it, the gastronomic indulgence that the festive season occasions, a time when adulterated food assumes a particularly menacing appearance. The question is, will the Jawan in all of us be able to deal with this double jeopardy?