A future fuelled by biofuels is far better than that fired on fossil fuels. Read why biofuels are a panacea for reducing air pollution caused through automobiles and farm fields, how they help manage farm waste, and enhance soil health.
Rahul: Hey Anu! You look disgusted. Not knowing what to do about these monumental, stinking garbage bins?
Anu: Yeah, dude! Why don’t people deliberate upon solution-seeking rather than piling their sins right outside their homes!? Household waste has a lot of organic waste and am sure there are ways of dealing with it!...
All about cracking the climate code with the Annual Climate Change Quiz in the Carnival’24.
Young climate warriors from different parts of the country battled it out for the coveted title of the ultimate Climate Champions in The Bout — Green School’s Programme (GSP) annual climate quiz for schools. Organised as a signature event of the Green Schools Programme Carnival & Awards Ceremony at the India Habitat Centre on 30 January 2024, the second edition of The Bout was double the fun and double the adrenaline!
Over 35 school teams, consisting students from Grades 6 to 10, participated in the inter-school quiz competition. The event opened with a brief address by CSE's climate change experts. The quiz comprised two rounds — an elimination round and a main round. Top eight school teams cleared the elimination round and progressed to the...
Recapitulating the prestigious Green Schools Awards and felicitating the inspiring contribution of all the awardees.
The much awaited and eagerly anticipated Green Schools Carnival of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi was back on 30th January 2024. Against the backdrop of climate change and environmental degradation, the Carnival underscored the vital role of children and educators in championing sustainability-based initiatives...
Pensive thoughts by a Gen Z on the human civilization, and its past, present, future. As the human civilization has advanced, it has undergone a trial of conscience at every successive step. Simply put, it has been in a court of paradoxes where there were problems, debates, and choices to be made. The Homo Sapiens—modern humans—appeared around 20,00,000 years ago. Gradually, these creatures chose to migrate and sail across the seas to make their own way. In the Neolithic Age, they opted to settle down at different places and brought new civilizations into existence. They invented a language, began keeping records, practiced division of labour, evolved social hierarchies, started trading, set up an administration, and thus developed an economy.
Child waste pickers in India need our help and compassion. Imagine waking up really early, when the sun is just starting to peek through. Imagine putting on a pair of your most ragged, worn-out clothes, picking up your work-gear – a large, equally tattered bag, maybe. And then, trudging out to begin another day, not for school, but for doing what you do every day of the week: pick up waste. Thousands of children in our country do this every day. You can see them scurrying along streets and footpaths with their oversized bags slung on their thin shoulders, rummaging through garbage dumps. They are the unsung ‘green warriors’ of our times – waste pickers who help keep our cities and towns clean.
धरती का हर मुद्दा जलवायु परिवर्तन से जुड़ा
बॉन कान्फ्रेंस 2017 की बात है। एलायंस आॅफ स्मॉल आईलैंड स्टेट्स (एओसिस) से जुड़े एक देश के बड़े नेता फूट-फूटकर रो रहे थे। एओसिस मतलब छोटे समुद्र द्वीपीय देशों का समूह। आसानी से समझने के लिए मालदीव जैसे देशों का समूह कहा जा सकता है। वहां विकसित और विकासशील देशों के प्रतिनिधियों के बीच बहस छिड़ी हुई थी। यूरोपीय समूह और अमेरिका जैसे देशों के प्रतिनिधियों का दबाव था कि चीन और भारत जैसे देश अपनी जिम्मेदारी समझें जो बहुत ज्यादा कार्बन का उत्सर्जन कर रहे हैं। दूसरी तरफ भारत-चीन जैसे देशों के कूटनीतिज्ञ विकसित मुल्कों को अपनी ऐतिहासिक जिम्मेदारी याद दिला रहे थे।...
An inspiring story of a school teacher, transforming a barren hilltop into an evergreen haven with sheer grit, indefatigable passion, and true love for nature.
My name is Jeevan Singh. I was duly appointed in government service by my state’s education department in 2010. But I got properly initiated as a teacher only when I was posted at the Government Primary School, Sidhot, based in Salooni Educational Block of Chamba district in Himachal...
Become a smart consumer by learning how to pick out the truly ‘Organic’ stuff from amongst a host of food packets carrying various complicated labels.
Hello, friends! The other day, I went grocery shopping with my niece, Prisha, for buying some chemical-free and safe food. She’s just like you, always eager to learn new things. As we walked through the store, Prisha explored all kinds of fruits, spices, chocolates, and whatnot!
But something really confused her—lots of description on the products she’d picked up...
Sharing fond memories from 25 years back—of ice creams, rookies, cow dung, and some cool environment stuff for kids.
In the summer of 1992, late at night in the basement of the then rented office space of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), the editorial team of the Down To Earth (DTE) magazine had a very long hot and tiring day putting together their very first issue. Anil Agarwal, the founder editor,...
In spite of all the brickbats and rebukes, a tabloid matures into a magazine as it finds its 'beginners' audience and speaks through quirky cartoons.
Gobar Times (GT) already had a successful 10-year run before I got on-board. It was always resplendent in a spectacular tabloid avatar, grabbing eyeballs everywhere. But as if this was not intimidating enough, here we were staging the arrival of a new GT. It’s looks? A standard news magazine format. Were we taking a risk?...
A thoughtful reflection on the value of Gobar Times with an understanding of what it is about, why so, how...and a little bit more.
An opinion on the public schools vs. private schools debate, arguing what’s wrong with the private schools and why the public schools must be promoted.
Classroom experiments for fostering a healthy learning environment—based on ‘community comments,’ cooperative lesson plans, and a ‘mystery person.’
I believe that the most important aspect in a positive learning environment is the rapport between a teacher and her students. When the students are convinced that their teacher cares for them and wants them to do well, they feel relaxed to open up and ask questions. They no longer hesitate in making mistakes and taking risks. In order to build such healthy relationships, the teacher should take interest in each of her student's and passions, as well as their struggles and frustrations...
Deep dive into the jungles undersea and gather some fascinating facts about the wonder world of seaweeds along India’s coastline.