Letter to the Readers: A Year of Curiosity and Change

  Yashita Mishra, Yogendra Anand |     January 22, 2025

Hey Gobarites! Or if any of you take offense to that, Hello Young Environmentalists,

As we look back on the past year, we are reminded of the fascinating journey we have had together. From learning about the unsung child waste pickers who make our cities cleaner to uncovering the intelligent behaviours of migrating birds, and diving into the thoughtful ecological beliefs of indigenous tribes, this year has been full of insights and discoveries. These stories have opened our eyes to the world around us and, we hope, inspired you to think deeply about our planet and the role you can play in its conservation. Let us look back at these incredible tales and the lessons they have taught us!

Marvels of the Wild

Imagine a black panther slipping silently through the jungle, its sleek coat blending seamlessly with the shadows. This deep, dark colour comes from melanin, the same pigment that gives us humans our skin tone. But melanin does more than just colour—it helps animals like leopards, jaguars, and even moths survive. Our February 2024 cover story, Wildlife of Black and White, introduced us to melanism, the phenomenon that gives these animals their striking black coats, allowing them to blend into their environment. Some animals are even born with albinism or leucism, making them appear ghostly white! These stunning colour adaptations remind us how brilliantly evolution works in the wild.

Later in the year, in October’s Flights of Longings, we learned that every winter, the skies come alive as migratory birds embark on awe-inspiring journeys spanning thousands of kilometres. Guided by instincts honed over millennia, species like the Bar-headed Goose and Demoiselle Crane brave high altitudes, vast deserts, and unpredictable weather to find food and nesting grounds.

Birds rely on Earth's magnetic field, celestial cues, and even smells to navigate. Their unique physiology, like oxygen-efficient lungs and powerful hearts, makes such voyages possible. Yet threats like habitat loss and climate change jeopardize these journeys. We must strive to protect the migratory birds if we want to keep this natural spectacle alive.

Nature’s Partnerships: Humans and Wildlife

In May and July 2024, we explored how humans and wildlife can live together in beautiful balance. May 2024 brought us The Bees, The Bears, and the Kattunayakans, and we learned about the eco-conscious practices of the Kattunayakans, or "Lords of the Jungle" who honour a sacred pact with bees, bears, and trees to collect pure, wild honey sustainably. With rituals, respect, and promises not to harm, they gather honey, leaving wax for bears and preserving hives for bees. Their honey, named The Third Share, reflects their ethos—nature gets the first share, they keep the second, and only the third is sold. Amid warnings about pesticides killing bees, Marigan’s story reminds us that protecting nature ensures life thrives for all.

In July 2024, Pythons, the Magic Mound, and the Mullukurumba took us deep into the forests of Wayanad, where the Mullukurumba tribe shared their wisdom about living harmoniously with wildlife. When children discover a “magic mound,” elder Veliyamuthan reveals its secret—a massive python digesting its meal. He shares the tribe’s unique practice of extracting medicinal fat from pythons without harm, using bamboo tools. This method not only aids the python but also showcases the tribe’s respect for wildlife. Veliyamuthan’s tale, laced with wisdom and humour, highlight the symbiotic relationship between the Mullukurumbas and their environment, leaving us marvelling at nature’s wonders.

Awareness in Action: From Fuels to Floods

In our quest to understand today’s biggest environmental challenges, we explored issues like biofuels, antibiotic resistance, and extreme weather events through stories. We learned in April’s Bio… whaa? Fuels? that biofuels, made from everyday waste like farm leftovers and household scraps, are helping to turn pollution into clean energy. India’s largest biofuel plant in Punjab does just that: turning 300 tons of crop waste into 33 tons of CBG daily, with bonus soil-boosting manure! With projects like these, we are not just reducing pollution, but also strengthening our ecosystem.

August 2024 brought us the tale of Joni, Dida, and the Unforgiving Seasons, a heartwarming blend of past and present, exploring how nature's extremes shape our lives. Twelve-year-old Joni battles a sweltering heatwave, longing for school, friends, and a break from sweaty nights. Her grandmother Dida, with a treasure trove of tales, shares vivid memories of rainy village days—where playful puddles turned to powerful floods, forcing her family to rebuild their lives. Joni and Dida find solace in their shared experiences and offer us a gentle reminder that while nature can be fierce, it also teaches us resilience, wonder, and the joy of cool breezes after a storm.

In November 2024, we took a closer look at the growing issue of antibiotic resistance. In the story Antibiotics Under Attack, we learned that Ira’s bout with typhoid wasn’t just a fight against illness—it was a wake-up call on the power and fragility of antibiotics. Through her curious questions, she uncovered a growing global threat: antibiotic resistance. She learned how careless misuse of these life-saving medicines has led to “superbugs” that defy treatment. But Ira’s story also showed us the power of small actions—like completing full course of prescribed medicines and practicing good hygiene—that can make a big difference in the fight against antibiotic resistance. Ira came home not just healthier but as a champion for protecting antibiotics, proving even kids can spark big change for a healthier future!

Learning to Lead the Green Way

In 2024, we also met the schools and students who are leading the way in protecting their environment. The March 2024 cover story of Gobar Times covered the Green Schools Carnival, where we celebrated the young students and schools who are making a real difference. The day buzzed with excitement—students aced climate quizzes and showcased their eco-friendly creativity in the Gobar Times fashion fiesta. The Carnival proved one thing loud and clear: even the youngest can lead the way toward a more sustainable future.

In June, we discovered from the cover story Education with a Difference that in Government High School, Anji, students are being educated about the wonders of wild edible plants. Through nature walks, workshops, and hands-on learning, they are turning berries, greens, and herbs into a gateway to employability and creativity. From identifying plants to dreaming up eco-friendly business ideas, these students are blending tradition with innovation.

What You Should Know

Have you ever thought about the people who clean up the waste we leave behind and the challenges they face? The January 2024 cover story shed light on these Little Green Warriors. Every day, countless children across India wake up before sunrise to pick up waste from our streets and dumps. These young waste pickers, often from impoverished families, play a crucial role in recycling, but their work comes at a high cost. They face dangerous conditions, health risks, and a lack of education. By raising awareness and supporting programs that provide education, better working conditions, and healthcare, we can help them build a brighter, healthier future.

September 2024 brought us The Green Sheen in Advertising, where we learned that advertisements are evolving beyond just selling products—they’re now selling planet-friendly dreams too! From raising awareness about pollution and recycling to showcasing eco-friendly innovations, companies are embracing environmental consciousness in their ads. Think IKEA’s sustainable furniture campaigns or Tanishq's gold recycling initiatives—ads that inspire action while promoting products.

But not all is green and rosy; greenwashing lurks, where brands exaggerate their eco-efforts. As consumers, we must stay alert, reward honest efforts, and call out hollow claims. By making informed choices and supporting genuine sustainability, we can push businesses to walk the eco-talk.


As we reflect on the stories of the past year, we see that each of us has the power to make a difference. Whether it is choosing eco-friendly products, supporting green initiatives, or simply taking small steps like using less plastic and conserving water, we all play a role in shaping a more sustainable future.

We hope you have enjoyed this journey through the year, and we look forward to exploring even more stories of hope, change, and discovery with you in the year ahead. Stay curious, stay kind, and, as always, keep being the change you wish to see in the world.

About the Author

Sub-editor, Books Publications Team, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi

Illustrator, Art & Design, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi

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