The Green Schools Programme Audit helps schools audit their resource efficiency and adopt green measures. The exercise is creating microcosms of sustainability for future generations.
Many schools have been successful in imbibing the value of environmental practices through daily activities among students. Schools need to continuously harbour the ethics and activities of environmental education. This emphasises the need for doing the audit, year on year, to keep the process towards a better environment running.
Some schools have done a spectacular job by reaching their goal of resource efficiency and minimum waste generation by making changes in their practices at the school level.
GSP audit has helped schools form dedicated teams for monitoring resources, facilitating lifelong learning.
About the performance report
The schools that are part of the GSP network also receive a performance report after the audit results are announced. We would like to inform you about the benefits of the performance report in this issue.
Performance reports are prepared on the basis of information provided by the schools in their audit reports. The GSP team at CSE analyse the audit reports and suggest measures to improve resource efficiency in schools. The report has section-wise feedback (the audit has six sections– Air, Energy, Food, Land, Water and Waste). This feedback forms the basis of additional actions by schools to make their schools greener.
Do you wish to know how a performance report is useful? Below are a few snippets from the reports generated:
Energy Section:
School A said it only uses electricity from the state electricity board as its source of energy.
What the school can do next:
The performance report has suggested School A:
You use sources of energy that could exhaust in the near future. We recommend that you increase your use of renewable sources of energy such as solar.
Food Section:
School B has mentioned in its audit report that they allow companies who sell ultra-processed packaged food (UPPF) to sponsor their school events.
What the school can do next:
The performance report has suggested School B:
Students are easily influenced by brand advertisements and promotions. Discourage promotion of UPPF by saying no to sponsors of chips and cola companies.
Waste Section:
School C completed the data by saying it does not segregate or recycle solid waste. The school even burns waste on campus!
What the school can do next:
The performance report has suggested School C:
Burning waste is one of the biggest environmental hazards. It releases toxic gases which are not only bad for the human body but also have adverse effects on the environment. We request the school to kindly not burn the waste.
If your school does not segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste at source, we strongly recommend it start doing so. Students should be made aware to practice segregation within the school premises.
Staying green and sustainable is a continuous process. The 2017 GSP team members can guide a new batch to do the 2018 audit and further improve the performance of the school. This works like a chain reaction with more students and teachers getting involved and sensitised. The continuous engagement of schools in GSP ensures long-term impacts for the school community.
So, is your school prepared to be a Green School?