Search Results:  About 2 Search for edible-plants
Education with a Difference

Education with a Difference

In a unique initiative that blends hands-on learning with practical skill development and employability, the Government High School at Anji is training its students to identify and use wild edible plants.

Nestled amidst the serene landscape of Anji in Himachal’s Solan district, a government high school stands as a beacon of education and empowerment for its students. In 2023, an innovative initiative has taken root within its grounds, one that not only enriches the curriculum but also cultivates valuable employability skills among its students...

A Foraging Experience

A Foraging Experience

Does food grow only in pristine farmlands of rural areas or is it available around us in cities as well? Let us try and forage for some food right here, in our neighbourhood parks.


It was a Sunday, therefore, a holiday and for that reason a day for some fun and exciting activity. Hence, Babbi was quickly getting ready to receive her friend Neenu and go play in the nearby park. Neenu’s mom would also come along as she was close friends with Babbi’s mom and the two of them often planned many engagements for their kids…