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What Does the Maggi Controversy Teach Us about Junk Food?

What Does the Maggi Controversy Teach Us about Junk Food?

A study conducted in 2012 by Delhi-based non-profit Centre for Science and Environment cautioned that junk food contains excess amount of salt and are bad for health.

This Herb Tastes and Smells Like Fish; It has Recognised Health Benefits

This Herb Tastes and Smells Like Fish; It has Recognised Health Benefits

A herb with beautiful white flowers with broad, heart-shaped leaves. Unlike its appearance, it has a fish-like taste and smell. Hence, the name, Fish Mint! But why are we talking about Fish Mint?

The medicinal properties and benefits of fish mint have been documented in ancient texts of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicines, as well as Ayurveda and Siddha. The herb which is believed to be a native of Southeast Asia grows easily on moist soils and is resistant to flooding...

Oh My Dog

Oh My Dog

Many of us love pets, especially dogs. But do you know that over the last five years, they have killed more than 300 people, mostly poor and rural children? Over 20,000 rabies deaths have been caused by homeless dogs and more than 30 endangered species have been hunted by them in the wild. The human-animal conflict between people and stray dogs in India has reached an alarming level. So, the next time you venture outdoors, please take care of yourself!

Taiyaari Fees Ki
World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023: Small-scale incinerators for sanitary pad disposal in schools is not a good idea. Lack of monitoring and emission of harmful gases like dioxins and furans within poorly designed, substandard toilets are major risks posed by small-scale incinerators.


The theme of Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023 is to make menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030. The predominant objective is to create a world where no one is held back because they menstruate…

The Wonder Weeds in the Sea

The Wonder Weeds in the Sea

A fascinating account by a passionate marine environmentalist explaining why seaweeds are environmentally the most sustainable foods on our planet.


Hi! Do you guys know what a seaweed is? It’s like the spinach of the sea. You might have eaten it in a roll of sushi or a bowl of green salad or a soup. But most likely, you wouldn’t have tasted it at all. That’s because in India, we don't have a popular tradition of seaweeds. But that's about to change—I believe as the founder of a seaweed food company called The Good Ocean...

Healthy Learning Environments

Healthy Learning Environments

Classroom experiments for fostering a healthy learning environment—based on ‘community comments,’ cooperative lesson plans, and a ‘mystery person.’


I believe that the most important aspect in a positive learning environment is the rapport between a teacher and her students. When the students are convinced that their teacher cares for them and wants them to do well, they feel relaxed to open up and ask questions. They no longer hesitate in making mistakes and taking risks. In order to build such healthy relationships, the teacher should take interest in each of her student's and passions, as well as their struggles and frustrations...

Whaaa? The Budget?...

Whaaa? The Budget?...

Summarizing the Union Budget in a cool, simplified, less dreadful, more interesting, nowhere mind-boggling, and in quite a thought-provoking manner.


11am, 1st February: a moment for which people across the country wait anxiously every year. Why?...

Millets: Best Diet for Health Grooming
A… What? Food Label?

A… What? Food Label?

An alert issued regarding unhealthy packaged foods, and how food nutrition labels can and cannot help us to become aware.


I know you all kids must be excited about Dusshera and Diwali. The whole month you’ll be exchanging sweets and offering scrumptious feasts. Our friends and families will enjoy beautifully wrapped gifts of savouries— chocolates, candies, chips, soft drinks, and what not! Their advertisements will flood our television screens and social media, and even masquerade as a renewed form of celebration with the days of homemade delicacies…

A Foraging Experience

A Foraging Experience

Does food grow only in pristine farmlands of rural areas or is it available around us in cities as well? Let us try and forage for some food right here, in our neighbourhood parks.


It was a Sunday, therefore, a holiday and for that reason a day for some fun and exciting activity. Hence, Babbi was quickly getting ready to receive her friend Neenu and go play in the nearby park. Neenu’s mom would also come along as she was close friends with Babbi’s mom and the two of them often planned many engagements for their kids…