In today’s time of COVID when venturing outside to exercise is not advised, yoga is something which you can do while remaining indoors. All you need is a simple, comfortable mat. I have always liked doing yoga and have also participated in and won many national and international competitions for the same. Speaking to Reema Saikia, a renowned yogacharya residing in Rishikesh, a master trainer of trainers and a disciple of the Bihar School of Yoga, I received some gyan on why it is indispensable to pursue yoga in the current times...
A vow from an environmentalist to pledge his duty to preserve Mother Earth. *********************************************** If I was the editor of Gobar Times, I would appreciate and highlight all those people in my magazine who try to keep our environment clean. This would include people who save and plant trees and conduct public programmes to spread awareness about environmental issues...
We are reminded repeatedly to wash hands, wear a mask, maintain distance, and improve immunity. But an important factor that can fight against corona is, the food we eat. Though, we experimented with our culinary skills during the lockdown—from cakes and firangi cuisines to Dalgona coffee—we need to 'Be Wise' and 'Choose Wise'. Avoid white bread, maida, pasta, sweets, chocolates, processed and canned foods, carbonated drinks, canned juices, and fried food to keep your lungs healthy. Keep fighting corona!
For those of you who often end up at fast-food restaurants in search of a bite, here is an eye-opener. According to global estimates, by 2025 some 268 million children aged 5 to 17 years may become overweight, including 91 million obese. Obesity-linked diseases are projected to increase sharply too; in 2025, up to 12 million children are likely to suffer from impaired glucose tolerance, 4 million will have type 2 diabetes, 27 million will have hypertension and 38 million will have fatty liver. Does this forecast sound alarm bells, kids?