A fascinating account by a passionate marine environmentalist explaining why seaweeds are environmentally the most sustainable foods on our planet. ******************************* Hi! Do you guys know what a seaweed is? It’s like the spinach of the sea. You might have eaten it in a roll of sushi or a bowl of green salad or a soup. But most likely, you wouldn’t have tasted it at all. That’s because in India, we don't have a popular tradition of seaweeds. But that's about to change—I believe as the founder of a seaweed food company called The Good Ocean...
Comments and responses from our students and teachers who attended The Green Schools Carnival 2023.
Do you know where we got the potato from? Or why birds can have chillies but we can't?... Read some more interesting food-facts like these and know the importance of our food in this comic strip on food items, food wastage, and hunger.