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GSP Carnival 2024: Walk The Talk!

GSP Carnival 2024: Walk The Talk!

A glimpse from the ‘Gobar Times: Walk The Talk,’ a Fancy Dress Fun Fiesta organized as part of the Green Schools Carnival 2024 held on 30 January 2024 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. All the fashionistas of the Gobar Times: Walk The Talk, showcasing their style quotient with chic aesthetics, inspired by the diverse covers of the Gobar Times (GT)! Through their understanding and vision of sustainability, these contestants imagined an out-of-the-box, ramp-worthy dress that triggered environmental consciousness among our audience...

GSP Carnival 2024: And the Award goes to…

GSP Carnival 2024: And the Award goes to…

Recapitulating the prestigious Green Schools Awards and felicitating the inspiring contribution of all the awardees. *************************************************************************************** The much awaited and eagerly anticipated Green Schools Carnival of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi was back on 30th January 2024. Against the backdrop of climate change and environmental degradation, the Carnival underscored the vital role of children and educators in championing sustainability-based initiatives...

Don’t Let Them ‘Greenwash’ You!

Don’t Let Them ‘Greenwash’ You!

How much can you put at stake to help Mother Earth? Do you think sustainability is a trend? This article answers these questions and peers into mending one’s lifestyle, beginning from the clothes that you buy. **************************** The environment is connected to almost every aspect of our lives, from what we eat and wear to the choices we make on a daily basis like taking the car or cycling down to the supermarket...

The Art of Paper Mâché

The Art of Paper Mâché

A perfect activity to create art out of waste and unused paper

Environmental Cost of Fashion

Environmental Cost of Fashion

The clothing industry puts a huge strain on the environment. How? Let us take a look at the life of a common garment: t-shirt.