Drop by Drop: The Water in My Tap

  Jainus Jacob |     July 26, 2022

The World Water Woe is real. There is crisis everywhere because our water resources are limited. A lot of water is wasted when we use it carelessly. Therefore, we should conserve it by handling it judiciously.

Watch this inspiring movie Drop by Drop featuring the little heroes of class 3, reminding us about the importance of saving water by following the right practices. These practices focus upon three simple ways of preserving water before, and not after, its consumption. For example, water can be saved before it is used by Reusing, Reducing, and Rainwater harvesting. These techniques are much more effective than Recycling, which has to be done after a certain amount of water is already wasted or made unfit for use.

The concept of saving water before-use is communicated to us most inspiringly by the barely 9-10 year old young environmentalists cast in this video. These are children studying in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Thrissur, Kerala. Their footages were shot in 2020, which were the COVID-19 lockdown years and this movie was developed as part of their remote learning activity. It suggests some simple ways by which even small children can make a greater contribution towards saving our planet.

Please note: No prior preparation or rehearsal was done for the shoot and all the recording was performed at the homes of these kids, in their natural setting, using their mobile phones. Written consent from their parents was duly received. The script and the concept of the film were the creative work of their teacher (see author credentials below) and are not copied from any other source.


Primary Teacher, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Thrissur, Kerala

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