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What is the History of Cheetah Re-Introduction in India?

What is the History of Cheetah Re-Introduction in India?

The Cheetah is the fastest terrestrial animal on earth, capable of galloping at speeds of up to 100 km/h. The Cheetah, which was extinct in the 1950s in India, is about to make a comeback later this year. About 10 cheetahs, 5 of them females, will be brought to Madhya Pradesh’s Kuno-Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary in November 2021.

Boy collecting Rain in Umbrella
How a Group of Citizens Revived a British-era Lake in Salem

How a Group of Citizens Revived a British-era Lake in Salem

Salem is one of the largest cities in Tamil Nadu, India. More than 1 million people live here. Piyush Manush is the convener of the Salem Citizen's Forum (SCF). SCF is an informal group, involved in protecting Salem's environment. The lake was built by the British for irrigating nearby farmlands. The lake is spread across 58 acres and used to be a major water body of the city. But gradually it became a dumpsite for Salem's municipal solid waste. In 2010 SCF took over the work of cleaning the lake. But first, they had to get rid of the garbage and then desilt the waterbody.

How a Cooperative Conserved Rainwater To Grow a Forest in a Drought-prone Dharmapuri of Tamil Nadu
Chennai Distress
Why Do We Need Tigers?

Why Do We Need Tigers?

What tigers eat and the space they occupy protects the health of their entire ecosystem.

Water Conservation vs Carry Water by Train, Which is Better?

Water Conservation vs Carry Water by Train, Which is Better?

Carrying water by trains could be an emergency measure. Chennai has a strong tradition of water harvesting. But the problem is that most of these structures are either defunct or poorly maintained. Chennai which had 19 major lakes covering an area of 1130 hectares. But these waterbodies have been heavily encroached upon reducing their spread to just about 645 hectares. Its time that we understand the importance of water harvesting.

Reviving a Lake using Artificial Wetlands in Delhi

Reviving a Lake using Artificial Wetlands in Delhi

Wetlands purify water through natural processes where aquatic plants act as bio-filters. Plants absorb phosphates and nitrates from the water and roots help to put back oxygen into the water. Constructed wetlands are a cost-effective method of treating wastewater and polluted water bodies. These are low cost solutions and can be easily made or replicated.

Save the Sparrows: How to Build a Nest With Rakesh Khatri

Save the Sparrows: How to Build a Nest With Rakesh Khatri

Mr Rakesh Khatri has actively promoted sparrow conservation. Since 2007, he has been building nests for sparrows using natural material like bamboo, jute and coir. He trains young people to build these nests so that they could put them up around the city.

Bringing the Sparrows Back Home

Bringing the Sparrows Back Home

In an urbanized world, we have cut down trees and taken over the natural habitat of the birds.

Around the World in a Year
Craters on the Road

Craters on the Road

Every monsoon the incidences of caving in increases. Nature or human activities–who is to blame?