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The Future of Taste in a Climate-Risked World

The Future of Taste in a Climate-Risked World

In an increasingly climate-risked world what should be our food like? The 4th book in our First Food series brings you some answers in the form of unique recipes and ingredients, culled out from age-old wisdom and traditional knowledge of communities. Sourced from local biodiversity, from weeds and trees, long-lasting seeds, plants with short life-cycles and even those parts of plants that generally go waste. Foods that are very different from those produced by our current unsustainable agriculture systems.

What Does the Maggi Controversy Teach Us about Junk Food?

What Does the Maggi Controversy Teach Us about Junk Food?

A study conducted in 2012 by Delhi-based non-profit Centre for Science and Environment cautioned that junk food contains excess amount of salt and are bad for health.

Climate Change Effects: Know How Climate Change is Making Our Food Less Nutritious?

Climate Change Effects: Know How Climate Change is Making Our Food Less Nutritious?

This video explains why we should be worried about climate change vis-a-vis nutritional security. Climate change could actually make our food less nutritious.

Unlock Knowledge: Fascinating Videos for Eco-Conscious Foodies

Unlock Knowledge: Fascinating Videos for Eco-Conscious Foodies

As a takeaway from our summer camp, E-camp Extravaganza, we recommend four enlightening videos for you to watch. The first video explores the fascinating link between food and the environment, highlighting how our eating habits impact the planet. The second video discusses the future of food, revealing how climate change can lead to nutrition deficiencies. The third is an engaging explainer on fish mint, a unique medicinal herb that tastes like fish and offers numerous health benefits. Lastly, the fourth video alerts viewers to the harmful ingredients and ill-effects of junk food, particularly instant noodles, emphasizing the need for healthier choices. Enjoy learning!

E-camp Extravaganza

E-camp Extravaganza

Day 1: Here We Go! | Drill: Chop, Chat, Chew! | Skill: Learn how to make some cool summer drinks and recipes, using local foods in a cook-long kitchen | Thrill: Serving a cooler and a yummy recipe... 

Day 2: Here We Stay! | Drill: Nature in a Nest | Skill: Learn how to make a bird’s nest by using and recycling waste materials in a build-along workshop | Thrill: Crafting a functional bird’s nest and creating wealth-from-waste...

Honey Heist

Honey Heist

Harvesting wild honey has been the main occupation of the Cholanayakan and Kattunayakan tribes of Wayanad, in Kerala, for centuries. But the recent drought and delayed summer rain have affected the harvesting of wild honey. The number of beehives has come down drastically, by over 50 per cent from 2023. Honeybees make hives every year on the same big trees. The right amount of rain, according to the season, is crucial for honey production. But unseasonal rain is posing a huge threat to it, affecting the tribes that depend on honey collection for their survival...

GSP Carnival 2024: The Bout

GSP Carnival 2024: The Bout

All about cracking the climate code with the Annual Climate Change Quiz in the Carnival’24.


Young climate warriors from different parts of the country battled it out for the coveted title of the ultimate Climate Champions in The Bout — Green School’s Programme (GSP) annual climate quiz for schools. Organised as a signature event of the Green Schools Programme Carnival & Awards Ceremony at the India Habitat Centre on 30 January 2024, the second edition of The Bout was double the fun and double the adrenaline!

Over 35 school teams, consisting students from Grades 6 to 10, participated in the inter-school quiz competition. The event opened with a brief address by CSE's climate change experts. The quiz comprised two rounds — an elimination round and a main round. Top eight school teams cleared the elimination round and progressed to the...

Kya aapke phasal pe MSP hai?

Kya aapke phasal pe MSP hai?

Farmers in India face huge challenges in selling their crops profitably. So, they are demanding that the government should guarantee a Minimum Support Price (MSP) on all 23 crops that it provides for. MSP is the rate at which the government buys crops from farmers no matter what the crop’s prices prevail in the market. This assures an income to the farmers and offers them security. That is why they want that a legal guarantee should be provided for MSP.

पर्यावरण की पाठशाला में पत्रकार

पर्यावरण की पाठशाला में पत्रकार

धरती का हर मुद्दा जलवायु परिवर्तन से जुड़ा


बॉन कान्फ्रेंस 2017 की बात है। एलायंस आॅफ स्मॉल आईलैंड स्टेट्स (एओसिस) से जुड़े एक देश के बड़े नेता फूट-फूटकर रो रहे थे। एओसिस मतलब छोटे समुद्र द्वीपीय देशों का समूह। आसानी से समझने के लिए मालदीव जैसे देशों का समूह कहा जा सकता है। वहां विकसित और विकासशील देशों के प्रतिनिधियों के बीच बहस छिड़ी हुई थी। यूरोपीय समूह और अमेरिका जैसे देशों के प्रतिनिधियों का दबाव था कि चीन और भारत जैसे देश अपनी जिम्मेदारी समझें जो बहुत ज्यादा कार्बन का उत्सर्जन कर रहे हैं। दूसरी तरफ भारत-चीन जैसे देशों के कूटनीतिज्ञ विकसित मुल्कों को अपनी ऐतिहासिक जिम्मेदारी याद दिला रहे थे।...



Eat Healthy. Breathe Healthy. Stay...


Zillions of vehicles are emitting a cocktail of poisonous gases. Industries spewing forth more of it. Burning crops, waste dumps on fire, construction and demolition dust, Diwali firecrackers... Winter is here with a host of triggers for a variety of ailments. Add to it, the gastronomic indulgence that the festive season occasions, a time when adulterated food assumes a particularly menacing appearance. The question is, will the Jawan in all of us be able to deal with this double jeopardy?

The Butterfly Garden Initiative

The Butterfly Garden Initiative

Showcasing how visionary projects can nurture future leaders who are not only academically adept but also environmentally conscious and aware.


In an era of urbanization and technological advancements, the importance of connecting the youngsters with nature cannot be overstated. My school, the Sacred Heart in Kalyan, Maharashtra, stands as a beacon of inspiration in this regard. Their authorities had given me the mandate to set up a butterfly garden and provided all the required finance and manpower. And as our pioneering effort flourished with time, I was duly absorbed as a Nature educator...

Umm… Is this Organic?

Umm… Is this Organic?

Become a smart consumer by learning how to pick out the truly ‘Organic’ stuff from amongst a host of food packets carrying various complicated labels.


Hello, friends! The other day, I went grocery shopping with my niece, Prisha, for buying some chemical-free and safe food. She’s just like you, always eager to learn new things. As we walked through the store, Prisha explored all kinds of fruits, spices, chocolates, and whatnot!

But something really confused her—lots of description on the products she’d picked up...