Search Results:  About 16 Search for food-safety
Umm… Is this Organic?

Umm… Is this Organic?

Become a smart consumer by learning how to pick out the truly ‘Organic’ stuff from amongst a host of food packets carrying various complicated labels. ***************************** Hello, friends! The other day, I went grocery shopping with my niece, Prisha, for buying some chemical-free and safe food. She’s just like you, always eager to learn new things. As we walked through the store, Prisha explored all kinds of fruits, spices, chocolates, and whatnot! But something really confused her—lots of description on the products she’d picked up...

A… What? Food Label?

A… What? Food Label?

An alert issued regarding unhealthy packaged foods, and how food nutrition labels can and cannot help us to become aware. ************************************************************************************** I know you all kids must be excited about Dusshera and Diwali. The whole month you’ll be exchanging sweets and offering scrumptious feasts. Our friends and families will enjoy beautifully wrapped gifts of savouries— chocolates, candies, chips, soft drinks, and what not! Their advertisements will flood our television screens and social media, and even masquerade as a renewed form of celebration with the …

Food For Thought

Food For Thought

Do you know where we got the potato from? Or why birds can have chillies but we can't?... Read some more interesting food-facts like these and know the importance of our food in this comic strip on food items, food wastage, and hunger.

A Balancing Trick

A Balancing Trick

Eating safe food keeps you healthy It was 1 pm and the whole family had gathered around the dining table to check what was for lunch. Steaming bowls of daal (lentils), rice and baigan ka bharta (mashed eggplants) along with fresh rotis (homemade bread) were arranged on the table.  

What Did the CSE Study on Honey Adulteration Reveal? Complete Analysis on How the Tests Were Done.

What Did the CSE Study on Honey Adulteration Reveal? Complete Analysis on How the Tests Were Done.

What is the truth behind India's honey? How pure is the honey made by your favourite brand? Are you eating nature's wonder food or are the companies selling you cheap and unhealthy sugar? To find these answers let us look at the latest report by the Delhi based Centre for Science and Environment or CSE. CSE has earlier exposed pesticides in colas and packaged drinking water, antibiotics in honey, GMO's in packaged food, and excess salts and trans fat in junk foods...

Trick or Treat?
One Cup Not Worth Crying Over
What is food?
Food for Life

Food for Life

It was a cold October morning. I did not have to wake up early for school because our school was closed for the winter vacation. The morning was very peaceful and the birds were welcoming a new day with their joyous songs. I woke up and opened my window. The cool breeze entered my room just as I opened my window. As I glanced out, I saw an old man walking with his stick shivering in the cold. Someone should have helped him. I felt like helping him but I could not. My mom had warned me not to speak to strangers. He did not even have a sweater on him to stay warm. Poor man!...

How to Make Delicious Sattu Ke Laddu at Home

How to Make Delicious Sattu Ke Laddu at Home

Sattu is a powder made by grinding a mixture of roasted pulses, mainly chickpeas and cereals. It is rich in protein and leaves one satiated for a long time. Apart from the laddu, a refreshing summer drink is made out of sattu, which helps us in bearing high temperatures and keeps our stomach healthy. It is also ideal for people suffering from peptic ulcer and can also fight diabetes.

Food Safety: How to Detect Adulteration in Milk in 2 Minutes

Food Safety: How to Detect Adulteration in Milk in 2 Minutes

These are some easy steps to detect adulteration in milk that can be done at home. This video describes how to detect adulteration with water, starch, and detergent. The steps are prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

Why We Should Not Waste Food

Why We Should Not Waste Food

Learn from Piu and Pom what happens to the food we waste and why we should never do it.