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GSP Carnival 2024: The Solutions Showcase

GSP Carnival 2024: The Solutions Showcase

An exhibition of innovative ideas, offering solutions in the sphere of climate change, hosted on 30 January 2024 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.


As part of the Green Schools Carnival 2024, the Green Schools Programme (GSP) of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) hosted The Solutions Showcase...

Stranger Things
Innovative Solar Technologies

Innovative Solar Technologies

What we decide to do today is bound to have an impact on our tomorrow. Therefore, it is up to us to determine the kind of world we want to develop for our future and leave behind for our next generation. We are already witnessing manifold consequences of rising global warming and climate change in the form of extreme weather events. Think about droughts, floods, forest fires, and many such catastrophes.

We all are aware that increasing carbon emissions are largely responsible for disturbing our climate...

Young Energy Managers

Young Energy Managers

Environment is not only about trees and tigers; it incorporates a variety of other concerns and subjects such as air, water, food, proper management of waste, etc. In addition to all these, energy is another area which is of vital importance for us...

The Humanitarian Approach

The Humanitarian Approach

This dream of Gobar Times magazine emphasizes upon spreading awareness for mitigating the climate crisis.


We are living in a time of panic and distress, yet we continue to be in a state of delusion. Climate change is real. If we do not accept this truth and take control of the situation, we will face extinction.

While an overload of information we receive every day on climate change dehumanises the crisis and makes it distant and unreal, a huge chunk of the subject that usually gets left out from the data...


Pertinent Green Updates

Pertinent Green Updates

A vision for rebuilding Mother Earth through ‘Harmony’ and ‘Students Solidarity’.  


Imagine if I were the editor of Gobar Times! Could there be anything more exciting than working on a magazine that brings topics related to Nature to the notice of young environmentalists across the country? The first thing I would do is...

Environmentalists vs Capitalists?

Environmentalists vs Capitalists?

An accurate example of raising ‘Political Consciousness’ towards Environmentalism.


If I were the editor of Gobar Times, I would like to look beyond the popular notion that climate activists are not fond of people with a capitalist mindset. The environment as we know is not fragmented—it is one entity on Mother Earth... 

Spreading the Word

Spreading the Word

Recently, the mercury in many parts of northern India touched 48°C. Many records were broken by the rising temperature—March this year was marked as the hottest in the past 122 years! Public places, as a result, wore a deserted look as residents were forced to stay indoors.

The Carbon Blues

The Carbon Blues

Carbon is a chemical element found widely in the universe. It is the basis of our life. But what about ‘blue carbon’?

Turning The Tide

Turning The Tide

A group of students have come together to address their water worries

The aqueducts connecting the roof to the ground have been aesthetically designed as a part of the building through tiled wall depressions rather than pipes. The rainwater collected from the roof directly recharges the percolation pits. Even inside the building, there are open courtyards with steps for the water to move down and recharge the groundwater. Our sole aim as of now is to recharge the groundwater aquifer, which is a problem in a city like Gurugram, which suffers from alarming drop in groundwater levels. It is due to this, that we are privileged to support well developed green spaces without consuming the city water supply.

To Bread or Not To Bread
It is Raining Solar Power!