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Bolstering Their Voice

Bolstering Their Voice

A thoughtful reflection on the value of Gobar Times with an understanding of what it is about, why so, how...and a little bit more.

A Blast from the Past

A Blast from the Past

Dusting off our archives to showcase some of the best stuff we’d published so far.

Taiyaari Fees Ki
Some Popular Seaweeds of India

Some Popular Seaweeds of India

Deep dive into the jungles undersea and gather some fascinating facts about the wonder world of seaweeds along India’s coastline.

The Wonder Weeds in the Sea

The Wonder Weeds in the Sea

A fascinating account by a passionate marine environmentalist explaining why seaweeds are environmentally the most sustainable foods on our planet.


Hi! Do you guys know what a seaweed is? It’s like the spinach of the sea. You might have eaten it in a roll of sushi or a bowl of green salad or a soup. But most likely, you wouldn’t have tasted it at all. That’s because in India, we don't have a popular tradition of seaweeds. But that's about to change—I believe as the founder of a seaweed food company called The Good Ocean...

GSP Carnival 2023: Solar 30

GSP Carnival 2023: Solar 30

A coverage of the GSP Teacher’s Workshop: Solar 30 on using renewable energy in schools and solar lamp-making, organized on 22 February 2023 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.


Harnessing the power of the sun can not only help us curb global warming, triggered by the burning of fossil fuels, but it can also teach us valuable lessons on sustainability. No wonder, solar energy has become a popular choice among schools, aiming to save ... 

GSP Carnival 2023: A Reunion and a Reminder

GSP Carnival 2023: A Reunion and a Reminder

Recapitulating the prestigious Green Schools Awards and felicitating the commendable and inspiring work of all the awardees in different categories.


Ater a three-year hiatus, the Green Schools Programme (GSP) of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) was back with a bang in February this year – as its annual audit drew to a close, a one-and-a-half day national Green Schools Carnival was announced. The cornerstone of the event was – of course – the GSP Green Schools Awards, but... 

GSP Carnival 2023: The Big Idea

GSP Carnival 2023: The Big Idea

An update from the GSP Renewable Energy Fair for Schools—The Big Idea, hosted on 21 February 2023 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.


The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi conducted an enthusiastic renewable energy fair for schools, as part of its Green School’s Carnival 2023. It was held on February 21, 2023 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The exhibits showcased some brilliant ideas...

RRR: Rise, Revise, Relax
Whaaa? The Budget?...

Whaaa? The Budget?...

Summarizing the Union Budget in a cool, simplified, less dreadful, more interesting, nowhere mind-boggling, and in quite a thought-provoking manner.


11am, 1st February: a moment for which people across the country wait anxiously every year. Why?...

Scrumptious Ragi Laddus

Scrumptious Ragi Laddus

We guys love laddus and we’re sure most of you do too! So, let’s make some delicious laddus with ragi, i.e. finger millets. These millets are rich in protein, iron, and calcium, and making their laddus is as simple as playing dough. So, here’s a perfect winter treat awaiting you right below. Follow the instructions and get-set-go!...

The Mighty Millets

The Mighty Millets

Kick start this new year on a wise and healthy note with a mouthful of millets. Learn more about their varieties, benefits, and environmental importance.


Hi friends! Have you ever reflected upon the usual grains that we eat every day? Apart from the most popular, wheat and rice, there are a lot of other cereals that we consume like sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), finger millet (ragi), and buckwheat (kuttu). Most of these are local foods and are prepared on special occasions like fasts or festivities...