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Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Did food shape our history or history shape our diet? What role does climate play in the way we eat today? How did our food habits shape up? Read on to find out.

Kuku jumps from her bed the moment the doorbell rings. Today is her birthday and she is excitedly waiting to meet her friends in the evening. She opens the door and sees a delivery man carrying a big backpack. He smiles at Kuku and hands her a package. Kuku looks at it and screams, “Ma! Nanaji’s gift has arrived!”

Food Safety: How to Detect Adulteration in Milk in 2 Minutes

Food Safety: How to Detect Adulteration in Milk in 2 Minutes

These are some easy steps to detect adulteration in milk that can be done at home.

This video describes how to detect adulteration with water, starch, and detergent. The steps are prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

Fruitful Journey: Food Safari in the Rajasthan Desert

Fruitful Journey: Food Safari in the Rajasthan Desert

Down To Earth travels to the desert state of Rajasthan to find out about the traditional food habits of the people in one of the driest regions of the country. We discovered that so many things grow in the wild and traditional knowledge of these will ensure that you have plenty to eat in the harsh desert environment. But is this traditional knowledge losing its ground slowly?.

Down to Earth is Science and Environment fortnightly published by the Society for Environmental Communication, New Delhi...

The View Outside My Window

The View Outside My Window

As usual, I woke up in the morning thinking about what I would do that day. It wasn't a special day, my routine was all planned-up like other days. It was a holiday, I didn’t have to go to school. I was determined to do something new, see something different. I was thinking about going with my family to watch a movie or something like that. I don’t watch movies often but my exams had just ended the day before. Many ideas came to my mind, but that day I don’t know why...

Bury it!
Energy Matters

Energy Matters

There are some schools that have taken up energysaving initiatives to become energy-efficient.

Electric bulbs, cars, fans, air conditioners, televisions, cooking ovens, chulhas, machines... the word ‘energy’ conjures up images of almost everything that makes up our everyday lives. Some forms of energy are renewable, including energy harnessed from the sun, wind and water. Energy produced from garbage, such as dead trees, branches, leftover crops and gobar, or dung, along with other forms of livestock manure—resources collectively called ‘biomass’—can also be used and then replenished.

There is also a second category, non-renewable energy. All forms of fossil fuel—oil, coal and natural gas—are examples. These fuels were made over 300 million years ago and we are slowly and surely depleting the reserves.

The Gift

The Gift

It was the last day of the outdoor adventure camp. The campsite was right in the middle of lush green nature with the ethereal mountains by the side. It was a treasure trove of rare flora and fauna, a perfect storybook destination. Kind and friendly villagers lived in the nearby hamlet. It was these sights and sounds, the warmth of the people around, the fresh unpolluted air and the collective experience of everything around that made Praveen come here again and again. Praveen was the camp in-charge. Every year in the month of May, Praveen and his team organised nature-connect sessions for children.

It is Raining Solar Power!
Irresponsible India
How Parth Found His Best Friend

How Parth Found His Best Friend

One summer afternoon when Aman was sitting in a corner looking lost, Parth went up to him and said, “Hi, why are you sitting alone during recess?" Aman got up from his desk and walked out of the classroom. The recess ended and all the boys entered the class and made themselves comfortable in their respective seats. After the school got over, Parth walked up to Javed and asked him as to what is the matter with Aman, why does he stay gloomy and aloof.

Food Wisdom

Food Wisdom

The key lies in education. We should expose children more to food systems, says nutrition consultant Rujuta Diwekar.

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