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Save the Environment

Save the Environment

A brief and innocent appeal to rescue the environment through a thought-provoking painting.


Drastic changes in climate and temperature happening nowadays are symptoms of the huge damage caused to the environment. The greenhouse effect, soil erosion...

Should I cut the Tree?
Standing Tall and Green

Standing Tall and Green

An inspiring story of a school teacher, transforming a barren hilltop into an evergreen haven with sheer grit, indefatigable passion, and true love for nature.


My name is Jeevan Singh. I was duly appointed in government service by my state’s education department in 2010. But I got properly initiated as a teacher only when I was posted at the Government Primary School, Sidhot, based in Salooni Educational Block of Chamba district in Himachal...



Combating Triple Planetary Crisis through Mangroves

Combating Triple Planetary Crisis through Mangroves

The triple planetary crisis refers to three interconnected environmental crises that pose a threat to humanity—climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. We need to address this crisis by adapting to nature-based solutions that can leverage the inherent resilience of our ecosystem. One such solution is the conservation of mangroves.

Mangroves are the kind of trees that are found in intertidal zones, between high tide and low tide, in tropical and subtropical regions...

Umm… Is this Organic?

Umm… Is this Organic?

Become a smart consumer by learning how to pick out the truly ‘Organic’ stuff from amongst a host of food packets carrying various complicated labels.


Hello, friends! The other day, I went grocery shopping with my niece, Prisha, for buying some chemical-free and safe food. She’s just like you, always eager to learn new things. As we walked through the store, Prisha explored all kinds of fruits, spices, chocolates, and whatnot!

But something really confused her—lots of description on the products she’d picked up...

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023

World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023: Small-scale incinerators for sanitary pad disposal in schools is not a good idea. Lack of monitoring and emission of harmful gases like dioxins and furans within poorly designed, substandard toilets are major risks posed by small-scale incinerators.


The theme of Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023 is to make menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030. The predominant objective is to create a world where no one is held back because they menstruate…

Nature-Friendly Chores

Nature-Friendly Chores

What can you do at home to pump up the oxygen levels in your surroundings? Read this motivating account of some ordinary but nature-friendly activities.


From the past few years, my family has been undertaking certain chores which have helped us in connecting with nature in a better way. For instance, we make compost from raw fruit and vegetable scrapes, using the three-tier pot method.

At first, we gather a lot of green and brown waste from the kitchen. (Green waste means anything organic that can be composted...

Scrumptious Ragi Laddus

Scrumptious Ragi Laddus

We guys love laddus and we’re sure most of you do too! So, let’s make some delicious laddus with ragi, i.e. finger millets. These millets are rich in protein, iron, and calcium, and making their laddus is as simple as playing dough. So, here’s a perfect winter treat awaiting you right below. Follow the instructions and get-set-go!...

Millets: Best Diet for Health Grooming
The Biotoilet Project

The Biotoilet Project

The story of how a village got its first toilet.


G Nandakumar is a young farmer in Diguvapalem, a remote hamlet and a chronically drought-prone area in southern Andhra. In 2019, I met him on a school hiking trip, as part of our Geography classes. 'Nandu,' fondly addressed as so, was keen to upgrade his village by pursing some sustainable environmental practices, like organic farming. However, he lacked the resources to execute his vision. So, as a young student, I was very inspired by his ideas and wanted to help...

Its Rocking!

Its Rocking!

A novel carbon-capturing method involving old basalt rocks—this proposal won a gold medal for India at the International Earth Science Olympiad 2022.


Global warming is a burning issue affecting the earth. Discussed in all forums at the international and regional levels, this issue is a worry worldwide because its impact is devastating. Various methods are being proposed to effectively combat this problem...

Colourful Waters—Wow or Worry?

Colourful Waters—Wow or Worry?

Water is colourless. But when we observe any large water body, it appears blue. When it has a lot of impurities (or nutrients), it can vary from red, green, white, grey, brown, black to anything that is weird and filthy. Read about some important terms related to different colours of water that we come across in common parlance or which researchers use to understand better this elixir of life.

Bluewater: ‘Why is water blue in colour?’—humans must have raised this question since time immemorial. But in 1921, this query was resolved when Sir CV Raman raised and answered it successfully...