If there was ever a parliament of birds, then this avian would have delivered the most vociferous speeches. No doubt quirky artists caricatured it in their popular Angry Birds game. I’m sure you all must have enjoyed playing this viral pastime and gotten amused by the perpetual furious look on the birds' faces. Recognised as the most argumentative bird, the Jungle Babbler couldn’t be named more aptly...
A brief and innocent appeal to rescue the environment through a thought-provoking painting. Drastic changes in climate and temperature happening nowadays are symptoms of the huge damage caused to the environment. The greenhouse effect, soil erosion...
On this Earth Day, trace the impact of humans on their planet throughout history
Recapitulating the prestigious Green Schools Awards and felicitating the inspiring contribution of all the awardees. *************************************************************************************** The much awaited and eagerly anticipated Green Schools Carnival of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi was back on 30th January 2024. Against the backdrop of climate change and environmental degradation, the Carnival underscored the vital role of children and educators in championing sustainability-based initiatives...
The triple planetary crisis refers to three interconnected environmental crises that pose a threat to humanity—climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. We need to address this crisis by adapting to nature-based solutions that can leverage the inherent resilience of our ecosystem. One such solution is the conservation of mangroves. Mangroves are the kind of trees that are found in intertidal zones, between high tide and low tide, in tropical and subtropical regions...
Trees are indispensable for our survival. We rely on them for fuel, fodder, medicine, and innumerable other necessities. They make our planet conducive for life. According to a research published by Nature Climate Change, the world’s forests sequestered about twice as much carbon dioxide as they emitted between 2001 and 2019, thus playing a critical role in mitigating climate change. Therefore, keeping in mind the saying, van se vayu, vayu se aayu (air from forests, life from air), planting saplings is very important for conserving our environment...
An accurate example of raising ‘Political Consciousness’ towards Environmentalism. ********************************************* If I were the editor of Gobar Times, I would like to look beyond the popular notion that climate activists are not fond of people with a capitalist mindset. The environment as we know is not fragmented—it is one entity on Mother Earth...
A vow from an environmentalist to pledge his duty to preserve Mother Earth. *********************************************** If I was the editor of Gobar Times, I would appreciate and highlight all those people in my magazine who try to keep our environment clean. This would include people who save and plant trees and conduct public programmes to spread awareness about environmental issues...