We’ve all seen many science fiction movies about a time machine that allows us to rewind into the past and even fast-forward into the future. But we’ve all wondered if this would ever become a reality. Nonetheless, what if someone tells you that it is indeed possible! Would you believe it? If it helps the predicament, then one such claimant is NASA—the National Aeronautical Space Agency of the USA...
Global CO2 emissions need to drop to net zero by 2050 to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Since fossil fuels account for 80% of global energy consumption and 75% of greenhouse gas emissions, countries are transitioning to cleaner energy systems like renewables and promoting energy efficiency...
Wetlands purify water through natural processes where aquatic plants act as bio-filters. Plants absorb phosphates and nitrates from the water and roots help to put back oxygen into the water. Constructed wetlands are a cost-effective method of treating wastewater and polluted water bodies. These are low cost solutions and can be easily made or replicated.
Millions of years of evolution . . . replicated in an instant!
Space debris or human-made junk in space is increasing at a rapid pace. According to an estimate by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US, there are more than 10 crore objects in space, ranging from less than 1 cm to 10 cm. Did we think of the junk we would create before leaping into the space age?
Why do we need to conserve energy?