Search Results:  About 3 Search for uttarakhand
Movement is Life

Movement is Life

A simple, lucid explainer on the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of wildlife corridors.  

Yoga for Youngsters

Yoga for Youngsters

In today’s time of COVID when venturing outside to exercise is not advised, yoga is something which you can do while remaining indoors. All you need is a simple, comfortable mat. I have always liked doing yoga and have also participated in and won many national and international competitions for the same. Speaking to Reema Saikia, a renowned yogacharya residing in Rishikesh, a master trainer of trainers and a disciple of the Bihar School of Yoga, I received some gyan on why it is indispensable to pursue yoga in the current times...

Life along the Ganga

Life along the Ganga

A Kolkata man has taken it upon himself to document life and livelihoods along the river Ganga[The Ganga] is dying. Pollution from the factories and farms of the fastest-growing large economy in the world . . .  has turned its waters toxic—BBC The Ganges, India’s holy river, is also one of the most polluted in the world . . . There are many causes of Ganges river pollution—English Online