Rediscovering Tradition: How Local Ingredients and Sustainable Recipes Can Nurture Health, Heritage, and the Planet
Become a smart consumer by learning how to pick out the truly ‘Organic’ stuff from amongst a host of food packets carrying various complicated labels. ***************************** Hello, friends! The other day, I went grocery shopping with my niece, Prisha, for buying some chemical-free and safe food. She’s just like you, always eager to learn new things. As we walked through the store, Prisha explored all kinds of fruits, spices, chocolates, and whatnot! But something really confused her—lots of description on the products she’d picked up...
What can you do at home to pump up the oxygen levels in your surroundings? Read this motivating account of some ordinary but nature-friendly activities. ************************************* From the past few years, my family has been undertaking certain chores which have helped us in connecting with nature in a better way. For instance, we make compost from raw fruit and vegetable scrapes, using the three-tier pot method. At first, we gather a lot of green and brown waste from the kitchen. (Green waste means anything organic that can be composted...
Kick start this new year on a wise and healthy note with a mouthful of millets. Learn more about their varieties, benefits, and environmental importance. ************************************* Hi friends! Have you ever reflected upon the usual grains that we eat every day? Apart from the most popular, wheat and rice, there are a lot of other cereals that we consume like sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), finger millet (ragi), and buckwheat (kuttu). Most of these are local foods and are prepared on special occasions like fasts or festivities...
Do you know where we got the potato from? Or why birds can have chillies but we can't?... Read some more interesting food-facts like these and know the importance of our food in this comic strip on food items, food wastage, and hunger.
Does food grow only in pristine farmlands of rural areas or is it available around us in cities as well? Let us try and forage for some food right here, in our neighbourhood parks. ******************************** It was a Sunday, therefore, a holiday and for that reason a day for some fun and exciting activity. Hence, Babbi was quickly getting ready to receive her friend Neenu and go play in the nearby park. Neenu’s mom would also come along as she was close friends with Babbi’s mom and the two of them often planned many engagements for their kids…
What’s the best time to eat a fruit or a veggie? Which season and for what reason? ********************************* Babbi had barely woken up and was rubbing her eyes, when she heard her mom faintly. She was calling out the names of pulses, fruits, and vegetables in the kitchen. Her dad was sitting in the next room making a list of fresh food to buy from the market. Babbi chipped in drowsily, “Papa, please get some mangoes. It's been ages since we had those,” she requested. Her dad paused and smiled...
D Suresh lives in Kilpauk in Chennai in his green and sustainable home. An IIT and IIM graduate, 71 year old Suresh has managed to set up a rooftop solar plant, biogas plant, rainwater harvesting, rooftop kitchen garden and a bamboo forest in front of his house. Solar Suresh as people call him today is the face of sustainable living in the new Urban India. Watch to know more!
This member of the cucumber family goes back thousands of years
What is food wastage? Simply put, it means throwing away food which could have been eaten by oneself or by others. This could happen for various reasons – buying more than needed, or because it has been too long on the dining table. We are all guilty of pushing older food to the back the fridge or cupboard and placing fresh food in front.