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Be an Eco-Smart Launderer

Be an Eco-Smart Launderer

We observe World Water Day every year on March 22, to highlight the importance of water. But how much attention do we give to the amount of water we use everyday? According to a 2008 World Bank report, an average Indian household performs approximately 340 wash cycles in a year and this accounts for approximately 40.7 kilowatt hour of electricity, 47.5 kilolitre of water and 27 kilogram (kg) of detergent per household per year. We have to wash our clothes and use water and energy in our day-to-day lives, but here’s a way we can save the environment as well as a lot of money on laundry!

GSP Carnival 2023: A Reunion and a Reminder

GSP Carnival 2023: A Reunion and a Reminder

Recapitulating the prestigious Green Schools Awards and felicitating the commendable and inspiring work of all the awardees in different categories. ********************************* Ater a three-year hiatus, the Green Schools Programme (GSP) of the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) was back with a bang in February this year – as its annual audit drew to a close, a one-and-a-half day national Green Schools Carnival was announced. The cornerstone of the event was – of course – the GSP Green Schools Awards, but... 

Only Eco-friendly Cleaners

Only Eco-friendly Cleaners

Performing tangible actions to achieve credible solutions—making eco-friendly cleaning agents and raising awareness on chemically-intense products to control pollution. ******************************************************************************** The unsettling sight of the Bellandur Lake—a foamy, cloudy demon gargling bubbles—and plastic litter—baffling mounds disposed irresponsibly—motivated me to act and revive our wonderful world. We all know that the climate crisis is going off the charts and the practise of ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ is gaining alarming urgency. Thus, it&…

Burst Water Bubble
Rain-Water Harvesting or Drain-Water Harvesting?
Just 10 Plastic Products Make up 75% of All Ocean Litter, Study Shows

Just 10 Plastic Products Make up 75% of All Ocean Litter, Study Shows

Plastic items from takeaway food and drink dominated the litter in the world’s oceans, according to a new study. The study, published in the journal Nature Sustainability was funded by the BBVA Foundation and the Spanish science ministry. The study shows that just 10 plastic products including plastic lids and fishing gear accounted for three-quarters of the litter. This is due to their widespread use and extremely slow rate of degradation. 

Nullahs That Were Once Rivers…

Nullahs That Were Once Rivers…

The coastal state of Maharashtra has three major rivers and several lakes, making it one of the few states in India having a vast water bank. However, most of its water bodies, including the Godavari, Krishna and Tapti rivers, are so polluted that they look like nullahs or drains. Heard about the Jayanthi and Gomati nullahs of Kolhapur? Well, according to water conservationist Rajendra Singh, they were once a water source but today we call them nullahs.

The Holy Gangajal!
Reviving a Lake using Artificial Wetlands in Delhi

Reviving a Lake using Artificial Wetlands in Delhi

Wetlands purify water through natural processes where aquatic plants act as bio-filters. Plants absorb phosphates and nitrates from the water and roots help to put back oxygen into the water. Constructed wetlands are a cost-effective method of treating wastewater and polluted water bodies. These are low cost solutions and can be easily made or replicated.

Weigh Water Well

Weigh Water Well

Water is the essence of life, and we need to adopt practices to save and reuse it

Irresponsible India
Why talk about River Pollution?

Why talk about River Pollution?

They are known to have cradled civilisations, all over the world. They bathed, fed and helped carry humans. What are we talking about? Rivers, of course! With a twist to their modern profile, though, today they also serve as water suppliers for grand industries…