Watery Wonders: Babbi and Family Explore the Tasty Offerings of Our Disappearing Wetlands
The Magic of Millets: Babbi and Family Rediscover the Goodness of Traditional Millet Recipes!
Bored of Eating at Home? Babbi and Family Show the Way to Spice Up Life with Healthy Streetfood Snacks!
A Picnic of Flavors: Babbi and Friends Discover the Joy of Traditional Food at Lodhi Garden!
Does food grow only in pristine farmlands of rural areas or is it available around us in cities as well? Let us try and forage for some food right here, in our neighbourhood parks.
It was a Sunday, therefore, a holiday and for that reason a day for some fun and exciting activity. Hence, Babbi was quickly getting ready to receive her friend Neenu and go play in the nearby park. Neenu’s mom would also come along as she was close friends with Babbi’s mom and the two of them often planned many engagements for their kids…
What’s the best time to eat a fruit or a veggie? Which season and for what reason?
Babbi had barely woken up and was rubbing her eyes, when she heard her mom faintly. She was calling out the names of pulses, fruits, and vegetables in the kitchen. Her dad was sitting in the next room making a list of fresh food to buy from the market.
Babbi chipped in drowsily, “Papa, please get some mangoes. It's been ages since we had those,” she requested. Her dad paused and smiled...
Fermented food is not only tasty but it is also good for health
Babbi tugged urgently at her Mom’s kurta. “Mom, there is some white, gooey stuff oozing out of that big pan on the kitchen slab,” she whispered.
Mom looked at the direction Babbi was pointing towards. “My dosa batter” She muttered and transferred part of the gooey liquid into another pan...
Food that is good for us and for the environment, understanding what ‘food systems’ are, how they cause climate change, and what the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit is all about.
Babbi jumped out of the car and looked around the unusual farm. There were bushes interspersed with different kinds of trees and small patches of vegetables. Nearby, was a yellow patch of mustard crops. She could hear a cow moo at a distance too...
The fruit’s flour is nutritious and easy to use.
Babbi stared hard at the bunch of green bananas that her dad was carrying. The thick stalk had some 50 bananas. “What will we do with these?” she pondered.
But her parents were very excited. “We are going to turn this into flour,” mother informed and told Babbi to go wash her hands and come help.
By the time she returned, everyone in the kitchen was busy…
“You got the vaccine!?” Babbi screeched excitedly. She was talking to her 13-year-old cousin, Manu, in the US. “Did it hurt? Did you get fever? And did you get the clot?” Babbi could barely sit still during that video call.
“Nah… nothing happened,” Manu assured her, behaving like a responsible older brother. He didn’t experience any major adverse effects after the COVID-19 vaccine. But he understood why Babbi was worrying. He too had been scared of the vaccine and had read up extensively about it. Not wanting to lose this chance to show-off, he offered to explain how the vaccines work to Babbi.
Eating safe food keeps you healthy
It was 1 pm and the whole family had gathered around the dining table to check what was for lunch. Steaming bowls of daal (lentils), rice and baigan ka bharta (mashed eggplants) along with fresh rotis (homemade bread) were arranged on the table.