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Pollen Pains

Pollen Pains

Junk lovers, welcome a new addition to the group—the bees. Pollen is the only natural source of protein for bees, but every day it is becoming starchier—thanks to the increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is sapping the nutritional quality of pollen. Bees need adequate proteins to feed their larvae and maintain their immune systems; some bees store pollen to tide through winters.

How Parth Found His Best Friend

How Parth Found His Best Friend

One summer afternoon when Aman was sitting in a corner looking lost, Parth went up to him and said, “Hi, why are you sitting alone during recess?" Aman got up from his desk and walked out of the classroom. The recess ended and all the boys entered the class and made themselves comfortable in their respective seats. After the school got over, Parth walked up to Javed and asked him as to what is the matter with Aman, why does he stay gloomy and aloof.

Protect Your Environment From The Visible Killers!
The Oddly Uneven Scheme
The All New Car
The Modified Ones
Let's Clear The Air
Why Talk About Public Transport?
Why Talk About Parking?
Hawa Hawai 2.0: A School Quiz on Air Pollution—Results