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Spreading the Word

Spreading the Word

Recently, the mercury in many parts of northern India touched 48°C. Many records were broken by the rising temperature—March this year was marked as the hottest in the past 122 years! Public places, as a result, wore a deserted look as residents were forced to stay indoors.

Resolve to Evolve

Resolve to Evolve

A snippet of the vibrant activities conducted from the kindergarten tiny-tots to the high-school teenagers under the Green Schools Programme


Online education became the talk-of-the-town in 2020 when the entire globe succumbed to an unknown lockdown for more than 300 days. Students became weary and so the entire education community sprung up to the challenge. Country-wide they took to their screens like wildfire, proving their resilience in a jiffy.

At the Pawar Public School, Chandivali, we went a step beyond with the Green Schools Programme (GSP). Organised by the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, the GSP sensitised our youth about environment conservation...

Fruits and Their Seasons

Fruits and Their Seasons

What’s the best time to eat a fruit or a veggie? Which season and for what reason?


Babbi had barely woken up and was rubbing her eyes, when she heard her mom faintly. She was calling out the names of pulses, fruits, and vegetables in the kitchen. Her dad was sitting in the next room making a list of fresh food to buy from the market.

Babbi chipped in drowsily, “Papa, please get some mangoes. It's been ages since we had those,” she requested. Her dad paused and smiled...

Digits Speak: India Forest Cover, 2021

Digits Speak: India Forest Cover, 2021

India’s total forest cover is 21.71 per cent of its total geographical area and the target is to reach 33 per cent. The Forest Survey of India defines ‘forest cover’ as all land with minimum one hectare of tree patches and canopy density above 10 per cent... Read more.

Yamuna Travails

Yamuna Travails

The Yamuna River is the largest tributary of the Ganga. It travels barely a distance of 22 km through Delhi. However, this region contributes to about 80 per cent of its total pollution load. Currently, this stretch discharges waste water from almost 22 drains into the river. Untreated effluents, containing toxins and chemicals, released from houses and industries creates froth (white foam) on the river’s surface. Algae, in addition, prevents sunlight from venturing into the depths of this river. Plus, low water level in the river causes concentration of these pollutants…

Yummy Microbes!

Yummy Microbes!

Fermented food is not only tasty but it is also good for health


Babbi tugged urgently at her Mom’s kurta. “Mom, there is some white, gooey stuff oozing out of that big pan on the kitchen slab,” she whispered.

Mom looked at the direction Babbi was pointing towards. “My dosa batter” She muttered and transferred part of the gooey liquid into another pan...   


Nurturing Environmental Consciousness

Nurturing Environmental Consciousness

Climate change is no longer a discussion that can happen in silos. Increasing carbon footprint and its impact on the 21st century environment is becoming part of many daily conversations in schools. But to achieve long term goals, more needs to be done.

 India has the lowest per capita emissions compared to the major world economies including the US, China and the European Union. Despite this fact, the impact of climate change has become evident in our country through rising levels of air pollution and extreme weather situations. Therefore, India is an active stakeholder in shouldering the responsibility with its global partners in combating the climate crisis.

It’s time for educators to take cognizance of this fact and delve deeper on why climate change is not a one-country issue but needs individual, local, and global intervention...

A Manifesto from the Microbial World

A Manifesto from the Microbial World

At the outset, I want to thank the United Nations of Humans for giving us this opportunity to address all of humankind. I speak on behalf of the quintillion microbes of our planet.

I know that we are speaking to you in a time of great distress. Each of you present here has faced personal tragedies. We convey our deepest condolences...

Farming Food Nicely

Farming Food Nicely

Food that is good for us and for the environment, understanding what ‘food systems’ are, how they cause climate change, and what the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit is all about.


Babbi jumped out of the car and looked around the unusual farm. There were bushes interspersed with different kinds of trees and small patches of vegetables. Nearby, was a yellow patch of mustard crops. She could hear a cow moo at a distance too...

Pioneering Physicist: CV Raman
Turmeric Treasure
Indian Honeybees are Disappearing from Himachal | Why Are They Important to the Himalayan Ecology?

Indian Honeybees are Disappearing from Himachal | Why Are They Important to the Himalayan Ecology?

Honeybees are an integral part of mountain farming in Himachal Pradesh. They are a source of income, nutrition, and medicine for mountain communities. These tiny superorganisms help in the pollination of plants, which increases the productivity of crops and maintains the biodiversity of the region.

Traditionally, farmers in Himachal Pradesh keep the indigenous honeybee called...