It won’t be long before the media declares the black rhino extinct. Due to a high price of the animal’s horn, (a whopping Rs. 43 lakhs per kilogram) it is being driven to extinction by poachers. So much so that there are only 5,000 of them left. The rhino horn is a lucrative business opportunity for the poachers who sell the horn in China, Vietnam and South Korea, where its powder is used for its supposed medicinal properties.
Can we control the ongoing water crisis all by ourselves? It's not about whose responsibility it is, but what we are doing about it. “When water became a commodity, I lost my freedom. More importantly, it put a financial burden on those who couldn’t afford to buy it. Today, water companies sell drinking water and advertise it being rich in minerals and full of vitamins. Big corporates such as soda companies have been buying rivers for industrial purpose and farmers have no water to irrigate their fields. As the rivers dry up, animals also start wandering and enter villages in search of water, with a threat of …
As usual, I woke up in the morning thinking about what I would do that day. It wasn't a special day, my routine was all planned-up like other days. It was a holiday, I didn’t have to go to school. I was determined to do something new, see something different. I was thinking about going with my family to watch a movie or something like that. I don’t watch movies often but my exams had just ended the day before. Many ideas came to my mind, but that day I don’t know why...
A Kolkata man has taken it upon himself to document life and livelihoods along the river Ganga[The Ganga] is dying. Pollution from the factories and farms of the fastest-growing large economy in the world . . . has turned its waters toxic—BBC The Ganges, India’s holy river, is also one of the most polluted in the world . . . There are many causes of Ganges river pollution—English Online
While in India it is unthinkable to see beloved elephants as a source of crop damage, their rising population in African countries is a huge problem. Elephant herds can cause substantial losses if they enter farms. In fact, in 2008, the South African government lifted the moratorium on the culling of elephants. At the time, the environment minister, Martinus van Schalkwyk, said that culling would be considered only as a management option of the last resort...
Monkeys, wild pig and rhesus macaque are being culled in Bihar, Maharashtra and Himachal Pradesh. What is driving this culling? Is it necessary? What is at the heart of the conflict between animal and farmer?
“Pom! Stop now, hfff . . . hfff . . . I can’t run anymore,” shouted Piu. “Hurray! I won the race,” said Pom. “Hfff . . . hfff! I don’t have the energy to run any more . . . I'm going to rest under the tree,” said Piu. It was getting dark. Soon there was a big moon over the sky. “Piu we have to go home,” said Pom...
One summer afternoon when Aman was sitting in a corner looking lost, Parth went up to him and said, “Hi, why are you sitting alone during recess?" Aman got up from his desk and walked out of the classroom. The recess ended and all the boys entered the class and made themselves comfortable in their respective seats. After the school got over, Parth walked up to Javed and asked him as to what is the matter with Aman, why does he stay gloomy and aloof.