Search Results:  About 92 Search for waste
Can Waste Create Life?
What Makes us Want to Buy More?
Planet of Trash

Planet of Trash

Waste does not exist in nature. It is only humans who create it. In a world of constant upgrades and the latest models, where do our old possessions go?

When Farmlands Become Wastelands

When Farmlands Become Wastelands

In the guise of development, what allows us to be callous with earth's resources? A study conducted by Indian Institute of Soil Science shows that majority of the soil in India is deficient in secondary nutrients, such as sulphur, and micronutrients, such as zinc, boron, iron, copper and manganese. The question then is how nutritious can our food be if it is grown on malnourished land? Many other villages are suffering, like Jaduguda and Kolaghat, because the polluter does not take the responsibility of the waste, burdening locals with unseen consequences...

Home, Not-so-Sweet Home

Home, Not-so-Sweet Home

Ever wondered what our homes are made of?

One Small Step for Human, a Giant Leap of Pollution

One Small Step for Human, a Giant Leap of Pollution

Space debris or human-made junk in space is increasing at a rapid pace. According to an estimate by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US, there are more than 10 crore objects in space, ranging from less than 1 cm to 10 cm.  Did we think of the junk we would create before leaping into the space age?

Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Why Do We Eat What We Eat?

Did food shape our history or history shape our diet? What role does climate play in the way we eat today? How did our food habits shape up? Read on to find out.

Kuku jumps from her bed the moment the doorbell rings. Today is her birthday and she is excitedly waiting to meet her friends in the evening. She opens the door and sees a delivery man carrying a big backpack. He smiles at Kuku and hands her a package. Kuku looks at it and screams, “Ma! Nanaji’s gift has arrived!”

The Plastic Route

The Plastic Route

We may be a speck in the universe, but the universe is nothing without the sum of the specks.

When Dr Rajagopalan Vasudevan, a chemistry professor at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, invented a technology to use plastic waste in making roads, he did not know how impactful his lab experiment will become...

Never say

Never say "I'm bored" again

Don't become couch potatoes and gadget slaves this summer. Make the best of your summer holidays, move around the house, and assess how you consume resources with the help of some interesting activities.

Why We Should Not Waste Food

Why We Should Not Waste Food

Learn from Piu and Pom what happens to the food we waste and why we should never do it.

Food and Antibiotics

Food and Antibiotics

Microorganisms are extremely important for our survival. They help in decomposing organic waste material, and in nutrient absoprtion by plants and animals.

Turning The Tide

Turning The Tide

A group of students have come together to address their water worries

The aqueducts connecting the roof to the ground have been aesthetically designed as a part of the building through tiled wall depressions rather than pipes. The rainwater collected from the roof directly recharges the percolation pits. Even inside the building, there are open courtyards with steps for the water to move down and recharge the groundwater. Our sole aim as of now is to recharge the groundwater aquifer, which is a problem in a city like Gurugram, which suffers from alarming drop in groundwater levels. It is due to this, that we are privileged to support well developed green spaces without consuming the city water supply.