Some trace the origin of COVID-19 virus to bats but these creatures of the night are more than virus carriers.
The forest, capable of meeting our basic needs of food, shelter and fuel, can act as a model of sustainable living for all of us.
Bacteria provide food to the plants by breaking complex organic compounds into simpler forms. This decomposition, part of a larger process called carbon cycle, is crucial for maintaining a stable climate on Earth.
A tiny-sized organism has recently been identified as a major warrior against environmental pollution and global warming. This warrior is a new species of soil bacteria called the Paraburkholderia madseniana and has been discovered by the researchers from the Cornell University of US. But how do they exactly help us in our fight? Let us find out.
West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh were among the six states that received rainfall exceeding their long-term averages between March 1 and March 12, 2020.
Holi, famously known as the festival of colours, is celebrated in the month of March every year. Typically the day involves playing with dry and wet colours to mark the beginning of the spring season. In 2020, however, things were different. Instead of a bright, sunny day that we are used to during Holi, we woke up to a morning that was cold and breezy. In some parts of the country, there was even fog! Winter had not ended.
Scientists have mapped how increasing temperatures will impact the population and distribution of the disease spreading mosquitoes in the world
The managment of silt washed down by the Himalyan rivers are key to mitigating flood risk in vulnerable regions across India
There are different methods to manage silt load. Soil conservation methods like crop rotation, use of organic matter, contour cultivation and restricted land use are some of the recommended methods of silt managment, especially in the catchment areas of rivers.
Bees are indispensable pollinators and exist in all types of climate—from forests in Europe, deserts in Africa to the Arctic Circle. But what would happen if all of them just disappeared one day? Here's a look.
What if one day you step into your house and find there is no food. The refrigerator is empty and you switch on the television to know more. A news channel tells you that there is a food crisis and the reason for this is that there are no bees left in the world...
How does light get converted into electricity and what are the components that constitute a solar panel module? Let's find out.
Just step into your house and look around. All our appliances from our refrigerator to air-conditioner to smartphones, everything would become useless in a world without electricity. This is why electricity is considered one the most valuable commodities in the world.
Is plastic a problem or the way we use it? Definitely, the latter. Including small yet sustainable practices in our everyday lives can bring about major changes in the way our resources are managed.
Read on to know some tiny steps to save our environment.