Vijayendra Pratap Singh

Senior Designer, Art & design, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi (2018-2021)
How is Hail Formed?

How is Hail Formed?

Hailstorms are common in India during the pre-monsoon season but a rise in their frequency is worrisome.

Trick or Treat?


Learn how to create a mini aquarium model and watch the vibrant colours of the sea enhance the look of your house

Reaping Losses

Reaping Losses

Extreme heat days caused by rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would adversely affect labour productivity and economic growth, particularly in developing countries like India.


The gross domestic product (GDP) stands for the net value of all goods and services produced in the country. It usually indicates the health of an economy. A healthy GDP growth rate is considered to be a good sign as it indicates the creation of jobs and increased income. Also, businesses tend to invest more in a country where the GDP growth rate is high...

Silt Route

Silt Route

The managment of silt washed down by the Himalyan rivers are key to mitigating flood risk in vulnerable regions across India

There are different methods to manage silt load. Soil conservation methods like crop rotation, use of organic matter, contour cultivation and restricted land use are some of the recommended methods of silt managment, especially in the catchment areas of rivers.

Life Without Bees

Life Without Bees

Bees are indispensable pollinators and exist in all types of climate—from forests in Europe, deserts in Africa to the Arctic Circle. But what would happen if all of them just disappeared one day? Here's a look.


What if one day you step into your house and find there is no food. The refrigerator is empty and you switch on the television to know more. A news channel tells you that there is a food crisis and the reason for this is that there are no bees left in the world...

Boxed and Found

Boxed and Found

The little things in life are easy to misplace. What's even easier is to lose them. Here's a way to find all your little belongings at one place and make sure that you don't lose them. 

Step 1: Take a rectangular cardboard box with a lid. You can use a discarded shoebox from the house.

Step 2: Open the lid of the shoebox and measure its height with the help of a scale. Note the reading.

Step 3: Take the leftover cylindrical cardboard from a finished roll/sheet of aluminum foil and cut it into smaller parts...

Read more here.