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A Short Story of Environment in India @75 years

A Short Story of Environment in India @75 years

Commemorating the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav with a brief tale of our peoples and environment from c. 1872–2022, spanning about 75 years before and after our tryst with destiny.


'Why was India lost?’ asked Mahatma Gandhi in his famous little book of philosophies, the Hind Swaraj, in 1909. Without any pun intended, he answered some lines later: ‘The English have not taken India; we have given it to them.’...

Digits Speak: Historic Climate Negotiations
Drop by Drop: The Water in My Tap

Drop by Drop: The Water in My Tap

The World Water Woe is real. There is crisis everywhere because our water resources are limited. A lot of water is wasted when we use it carelessly. Therefore, we should conserve it by handling it judiciously.

Watch this inspiring movie Drop by Drop featuring the little heroes of class 3, reminding us about the importance of saving water by following the right practices. These practices focus upon three simple ways of preserving water before, and not after, its consumption. For example...

The Humanitarian Approach

The Humanitarian Approach

This dream of Gobar Times magazine emphasizes upon spreading awareness for mitigating the climate crisis.


We are living in a time of panic and distress, yet we continue to be in a state of delusion. Climate change is real. If we do not accept this truth and take control of the situation, we will face extinction.

While an overload of information we receive every day on climate change dehumanises the crisis and makes it distant and unreal, a huge chunk of the subject that usually gets left out from the data...


Pertinent Green Updates

Pertinent Green Updates

A vision for rebuilding Mother Earth through ‘Harmony’ and ‘Students Solidarity’.  


Imagine if I were the editor of Gobar Times! Could there be anything more exciting than working on a magazine that brings topics related to Nature to the notice of young environmentalists across the country? The first thing I would do is...

Environmentalists vs Capitalists?

Environmentalists vs Capitalists?

An accurate example of raising ‘Political Consciousness’ towards Environmentalism.


If I were the editor of Gobar Times, I would like to look beyond the popular notion that climate activists are not fond of people with a capitalist mindset. The environment as we know is not fragmented—it is one entity on Mother Earth... 

Practising Inspiring Environmentalism

Practising Inspiring Environmentalism

A vow from an environmentalist to pledge his duty to preserve Mother Earth.


If I was the editor of Gobar Times, I would appreciate and highlight all those people in my magazine who try to keep our environment clean. This would include people who save and plant trees and conduct public programmes to spread awareness about environmental issues...

Spreading the Word

Spreading the Word

Recently, the mercury in many parts of northern India touched 48°C. Many records were broken by the rising temperature—March this year was marked as the hottest in the past 122 years! Public places, as a result, wore a deserted look as residents were forced to stay indoors.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

A passionate movie buff and avid videographer narrates his journey through the reels on the importance of films in spreading environmental awareness.


Growing up in Perumannur, a small village in Kerala, my childhood was all about ploughing fields, playful cows and calves, and a big pond where I learnt swimming. I was so close to nature that it never occurred to me if the environment—with all its greenery, birds, trees, and grass—can ever be distinctively separate from us. My training, among the lush green coconut and rice fields...

The Time-Travel Telescope

The Time-Travel Telescope

We’ve all seen many science fiction movies about a time machine that allows us to rewind into the past and even fast-forward into the future. But we’ve all wondered if this would ever become a reality. Nonetheless, what if someone tells you that it is indeed possible! Would you believe it? If it helps the predicament, then one such claimant is NASA—the National Aeronautical Space Agency of the USA... 

Inheritance of Loss

Inheritance of Loss

Held as usual a few days before COP (October 28-31 last year), this youth conference is the biggest so far, with thousands of participants having registered from over 140 countries. This is leaps and bounds ahead of the few hundred participants that would attend the conference a decade ago. The sixth edition of the conference, for instance, held in Cancun, Mexico in 2010, saw just 500-odd attendees. The main agenda of the youth conference this year, as per Heeta Lakhani...

The Mammophants