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GSP Carnival 2023: The Big Idea

GSP Carnival 2023: The Big Idea

An update from the GSP Renewable Energy Fair for Schools—The Big Idea, hosted on 21 February 2023 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. ****************************************** The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi conducted an enthusiastic renewable energy fair for schools, as part of its Green School’s Carnival 2023. It was held on February 21, 2023 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The exhibits showcased some brilliant ideas...

GSP Carnival 2023: Gobar Times Design Studio

GSP Carnival 2023: Gobar Times Design Studio

A glimpse from the Gobar Times Design Studio, a designing contest organized as part of the Green Schools Carnival 2023, to allow our talented readers to express their vision and version of the Gobar Times by curating two-pages of the magazine—showing what they would like to read and how.

GSP Carnival 2023: Leave Your Comments Here

GSP Carnival 2023: Leave Your Comments Here

Comments and responses from our students and teachers who attended The Green Schools Carnival 2023.

Whaaa? The Budget?...

Whaaa? The Budget?...

Summarizing the Union Budget in a cool, simplified, less dreadful, more interesting, nowhere mind-boggling, and in quite a thought-provoking manner. *********************************** 11am, 1st February: a moment for which people across the country wait anxiously every year. Why?...

Ek Ped Mere School Ke Naam

Ek Ped Mere School Ke Naam

Trees are indispensable for our survival. We rely on them for fuel, fodder, medicine, and innumerable other necessities. They make our planet conducive for life. According to a research published by Nature Climate Change, the world’s forests sequestered about twice as much carbon dioxide as they emitted between 2001 and 2019, thus playing a critical role in mitigating climate change. Therefore, keeping in mind the saying, van se vayu, vayu se aayu (air from forests, life from air), planting saplings is very important for conserving our environment...

Weathering Extreme Events

Weathering Extreme Events

Flood, drought, rainfall, snowfall, heatwave, cold wave, storm, cyclone, cloudburst, forest fire… You name it, we have it! But the biggest question is how and why? ************************************* The modern life we have created is good for us but not for the environment. This energy-hungry human lifestyle is heating up the world at a rate that is not sustainable for the planet. In the past 170 years or so, industries have flourished and have made the Earth hotter by over 1oC. India, for instance...

A… What? Food Label?

A… What? Food Label?

An alert issued regarding unhealthy packaged foods, and how food nutrition labels can and cannot help us to become aware. ************************************************************************************** I know you all kids must be excited about Dusshera and Diwali. The whole month you’ll be exchanging sweets and offering scrumptious feasts. Our friends and families will enjoy beautifully wrapped gifts of savouries— chocolates, candies, chips, soft drinks, and what not! Their advertisements will flood our television screens and social media, and even masquerade as a renewed form of celebration with the …



France passed a new law that mandates car advertisements to dissuade people from using more cars. This regulation is implemented with the aim of curbing global warming. French car commercials have to display messages encouraging alternate means of transport. For example, ‘Consider carpooling,’ ‘For day-to-day use, take public transportation,’ and ‘For short trips, opt for walking or cycling.’ This ruling will impact over all media, including print, TV, radio, and Internet...

Innovative Solar Technologies

Innovative Solar Technologies

What we decide to do today is bound to have an impact on our tomorrow. Therefore, it is up to us to determine the kind of world we want to develop for our future and leave behind for our next generation. We are already witnessing manifold consequences of rising global warming and climate change in the form of extreme weather events. Think about droughts, floods, forest fires, and many such catastrophes. We all are aware that increasing carbon emissions are largely responsible for disturbing our climate...

Young Energy Managers

Young Energy Managers

Environment is not only about trees and tigers; it incorporates a variety of other concerns and subjects such as air, water, food, proper management of waste, etc. In addition to all these, energy is another area which is of vital importance for us...

Yoga for Youngsters

Yoga for Youngsters

In today’s time of COVID when venturing outside to exercise is not advised, yoga is something which you can do while remaining indoors. All you need is a simple, comfortable mat. I have always liked doing yoga and have also participated in and won many national and international competitions for the same. Speaking to Reema Saikia, a renowned yogacharya residing in Rishikesh, a master trainer of trainers and a disciple of the Bihar School of Yoga, I received some gyan on why it is indispensable to pursue yoga in the current times...

Some Purpose-driven News

Some Purpose-driven News

A desire for a magazine that focuses on well-identified environmental concerns and concrete tangible solutions. ************************************************************************************* It is our collective responsibility to maintain our earth as a habitable place for our present and future. Today, more than ever before, we are facing environmental challenges that can spiral into major crises unless we take urgent corrective measures. We have to strive to execute our actions points and Gobar Times provides us a wonderful platform to achieve them...