Your Essential Guide to the Cub Reporters Programme—Top Resources & Key Reporting Tips!
Where happiness comes in small packages—the ever-delightful house sparrow. ************************************************************************************ We often ignore our immediate periphery in our quest for finding excitement. Just think of the house sparrows! As a kid, out of sheer ignorance, I recall embarrassingly how I plundered their nests. But now, I compensate by feeding their chicks, watering them, and sheltering them in their cushy abodes. In all this while, these humble birds never ever deserted their homes nor me...
Whenever that sweet tinkling sound traverses through my balcony, my entire mood rejuvenates. I crane my neck, investigating its source, and scan my lushy green enclave for a soft jingling song. Tracing the tsee…tseer… notes, I rejoice with delight on spotting the chirpy, cute, bundle of joy—the Indian White-Eye.
“Why didn’t you spot the Tiha today, dear?” That’s what my mother used to remind me on the New Year eves, when I was a little child like you. The Indian Roller bird, or the Tiha in Odia, is a very good omen. Believed to be a harbinger of happiness, sighting it is considered auspicious, especially at the beginning of any major life event. In fact, such is the faith in its sanctity that its feathers are preserved as lucky charms. Do you know Odisha, Telangana, and Karnataka have also declared it as their state bird?
If there is ever a bird that can rival even a hulk in roaring aloud, then that birdy has to be the Brown-Headed Barbet. This little creature’s blaring decibels can screech through the morning silence and can knock anyone out of their afternoon siesta as well. Its challenging, almost enticing, avian call proceeds like: tur-r-r-r kutrook-kutrook-kutrook...
If there was ever a parliament of birds, then this avian would have delivered the most vociferous speeches. No doubt quirky artists caricatured it in their popular Angry Birds game. I’m sure you all must have enjoyed playing this viral pastime and gotten amused by the perpetual furious look on the birds' faces. Recognised as the most argumentative bird, the Jungle Babbler couldn’t be named more aptly...
Journalists, leaders, and experts gathered at the Anil Agarwal Dialogue (AAD) 2025 to tackle climate change, water crises, pollution, and the future of our planet!
The simplest possible explanation of what the COP—the prime annual international event on climate politics—is all about, can be made by reimagining the entire world as a classroom of noisy and notorious countries ******************************** Many of you have heard about COP summits. These are very big meetings that take place around the world where people gather to discuss climate change and how to manage it. COP stands for Conference of Parties. Basically, it is a group of countries...
Delhi’s air pollution arrives with a paradox—as the smog reduces visibility, what becomes clear is the gap between the rich and the poor. Being a student living in Delhi, we have three breaks during our school session—the summer break, the winter break, and the holidays due to the rising pollution level that we Delhiites call our pollution break. As students, we see these holidays as something fun, as a timepass. Even after so many years of these breaks, we fail to realise the gravity of the situation. The main cause for this is our privilege and the rising political ignorance.With air filters installed …
A fascinating account by a passionate marine environmentalist explaining why seaweeds are environmentally the most sustainable foods on our planet. ******************************* Hi! Do you guys know what a seaweed is? It’s like the spinach of the sea. You might have eaten it in a roll of sushi or a bowl of green salad or a soup. But most likely, you wouldn’t have tasted it at all. That’s because in India, we don't have a popular tradition of seaweeds. But that's about to change—I believe as the founder of a seaweed food company called The Good Ocean...
How can schools become the catalysts for achieving sustainability? In an era where the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation are becoming increasingly evident, the role of education in fostering a sustainable future has become more critical than ever. Schools are at the heart of their communities and can play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability beyond their own walls and preparing students for a sustainable future.One of the most effective ways schools can do this is by integrating sustainability into their curricula, operations and community interactions. They can become powerful catalysts by …