Yogendra Anand

Illustrator, Art & Design, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi
Mind Your Steps
A Trash Course!

A Trash Course!

Do we ever stop to think where all the trash that we produce goes? Most of it heads to a dumpsite – yes, those mountains of waste that you might have seen on one of your trips around the city. Let's dig into this subject a bit, shall we?


A huge dark mountain is looming up amidst houses and buildings, with a flock of crows and eagles circling over it. As one goes closer, you can see people on it...

Digits Speak: India Forest Cover, 2021

Digits Speak: India Forest Cover, 2021

India’s total forest cover is 21.71 per cent of its total geographical area and the target is to reach 33 per cent. The Forest Survey of India defines ‘forest cover’ as all land with minimum one hectare of tree patches and canopy density above 10 per cent... Read more.

Burst Water Bubble
To Bee or Not to Bee
To Burst or Not to Burst?

To Burst or Not to Burst?

To burst or not to burst?’ is a question many young humans might be asking as the patakha (firecracker) season begins. Teachers and doctors tend to advice against firecrackers but there’s always a paan-chewing uncle or a macho friend who’ll bully you kids into becoming enthusiastic arsonists. It’s usually a tough choice to make. Some additional information is always a good help in firming up ones’ resolutions. Therefore, let's throw some light on the history, chemistry, and eco-friendliness of patakhas.

The Lost Species
Know Your Air
We Can Do it!
How Green is Your School?
Waste Warrior

Waste Warrior

Roll the dice and get going! Select the right answers and move through the game with minimum losses. Play it again and again, till your Ninja understands Waste management. Next, play on to Create your Compost!

Ecology and Environment
Create Your Compost
Tiger and Deer at the Waterhole