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Learn how to create a mini aquarium model and watch the vibrant colours of the sea enhance the look of your house

November 14, 2091

November 14, 2091

What kind of world will the younger generations inherit? Piu gets a hint.

Why Do We Need Tigers?

Why Do We Need Tigers?

What tigers eat and the space they occupy protects the health of their entire ecosystem.

No Moon, No Life!

No Moon, No Life!

A one-to-one conversation with the moon helps Piu understand why the celestial object is so important for our planet

Life Without Bees

Life Without Bees

Bees are indispensable pollinators and exist in all types of climate—from forests in Europe, deserts in Africa to the Arctic Circle. But what would happen if all of them just disappeared one day? Here's a look. ******************************************* What if one day you step into your house and find there is no food. The refrigerator is empty and you switch on the television to know more. A news channel tells you that there is a food crisis and the reason for this is that there are no bees left in the world...

A Green Idea can Change Your Life

A Green Idea can Change Your Life

Is plastic a problem or the way we use it? Definitely, the latter. Including small yet sustainable practices in our everyday lives can bring about major changes in the way our resources are managed. Read on to know some tiny steps to save our environment.

Country Life Better, No Kidding
Food for Life

Food for Life

It was a cold October morning. I did not have to wake up early for school because our school was closed for the winter vacation. The morning was very peaceful and the birds were welcoming a new day with their joyous songs. I woke up and opened my window. The cool breeze entered my room just as I opened my window. As I glanced out, I saw an old man walking with his stick shivering in the cold. Someone should have helped him. I felt like helping him but I could not. My mom had warned me not to speak to strangers. He did not even have a sweater on him to stay warm. Poor man!...

Save the Sparrows: How to Build a Nest With Rakesh Khatri

Save the Sparrows: How to Build a Nest With Rakesh Khatri

Mr Rakesh Khatri has actively promoted sparrow conservation. Since 2007, he has been building nests for sparrows using natural material like bamboo, jute and coir. He trains young people to build these nests so that they could put them up around the city.

This Is the First Animal That Has Become Extinct Because of Climate Change

This Is the First Animal That Has Become Extinct Because of Climate Change

This is the first animal that has become extinct because of human-induced climate change. The little brown rodent is called the Bramble Cay Melomys (Melomys rubicola) and is a former inhabitant of Australia. Its habitat was the tiny 4 hectare Bramble Cay, located on the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef. It was last sighted in 2009. The Australian government confirmed its extinction on 18 February 2019. 

Can Waste Create Life?
See Potential Where None Exists

See Potential Where None Exists

It is said that when the British Governer General Warren Hastings brought the water hyacinth to India in the 18th century, thinking it was a flower, he couldn't have imagined that was actually a deadly weed.