Waste  |  May 1, 2020

Gullible Creatures

A walk on the beach is an insight not just into our leisure but also into our addiction to plastic. More than 80 lakh tonnes of plastic is dumped into the oceans every year. Sea creatures often mistake plastic for food and die because of it. Sea turtles are probably the most gullible creatures of the sea. Why? Well, that’s because they are likely to confuse plastic floating in the ocean for food and eat it, says a recent article published in the Science News magazine. However, in the poor creature’s defense, they are not the ones filling our oceans with plastic...

Waste  |  February 1, 2020

Q&A: Biomedical Waste

Energy  |  January 8, 2020

Ideas for Future

Climate change  |  November 7, 2019

Reaping Losses

Water  |  September 21, 2019

Silt Route